Even Villains have Happy Endings

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'Keigo's phone speak'

*Keigo’s POV*

After the press conference, where it was mostly people demanding blood, I went back to my apartment. I grabbed an ice pack and held it to my throat before typing on my phone.

 It is okay to come out, I’m alone today. Just don’t expect me to talk that much .’

Jin poked his head out of the guest bedroom.

“Are you okay? You look horrible. I watched the interview. They were gonna eat you like the bird you are!”

 Yeah, I was expecting a riot, ’ I looked over to the kitchen, ‘ could you make me some soup? 

I walked over to the couch and laid down.

“No problem, dude! No way asshole,” he started digging around my cabinets, “you have a lot of chicken. Addicted to chicken! Can I have some of your chicken nuggets? Nuggies!”

‘Go ahead, it is not like I eat that many solid foods right now .’

After a few moments, he handed me the food and a new ice pack.

“I am so sorry for your injuries. I did not think Dabi would go that far.”

I just gave him a sad smile before patting his back. We continued eating in silence while he would get me ice packs every once in a while. I heard the front door unlock and quickly pushed Jin into the bedroom. The door slammed open and Dabi walked in. I could see the blood dripping from his scars.

“I guess I did not try hard enough to make you suffer. I should have just finished the job.”

I could feel Jin banging on the door that I was blocking.

“Dabi, it is not what you think happens,” my voice hurt so much after these short words, “Let me explain.”

“Why? So you can remind me in detail, Jin’s cries and his begs for life?”

He tossed me across the room and my back hit the couch. It gave Jin the chance to open the door. Dabi and Jin stared at each other for almost a minute before Jin ran over and helped me up.

*Dabi’s POV*

Seeing Jin alive confused me and he was helping Keigo.

“This has to be an illusion or someone’s quirk,” I mumbled at the sight.

“Nope, this is me! Yeah, I’m hard to kill!”

I fell to my knees and I saw Keigo grab a phone. Jin gave me a ‘stay here’ motion as Keigo typed something on his phone.

 Let me explain and it will all make sense,’ the phone spoke for him.

They told me that the hero commission put a target on Jin to kill on sight because of the power of his quirk. So, Keigo was testing out a theory with quirk-enhancing drugs with Jin’s quirk. Apparently, if Jin takes the drug, his clones last longer against attacks. If one of his clones takes the drug afterward, then they can go beyond the two clone limits.

They assumed that I knew of the plan because of the cameras in Keigo’s feathers. I did not know anything, if I did I would have faked the attack on him.

I could feel the hot blood running down my face as blood came out instead of tears. Keigo stumbled over and wiped my face. I destroyed my boyfriend and he still has such caring eyes for me.

 Jin, there is a first aid kit in the master bathroom, could you please get it?’

“Aye, aye Captain! No way sir!”

I looked up as Keigo kissed my forehead. After he finished fixing the blood, Jin helped him over to the kitchen. Seeing the number of pills that he had to take because of the damage I caused him, made my chest hurt.

“Why didn’t you come back to base?” I asked JIn after he gave me some water.

“I was thinking about it. No, I wasn’t. But I was worried that the heroes were going to hunt me down. Massacre time!”

 So he was waiting here until my connections in America came through. 

We relaxed on the couch and Keigo fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. It was shocking to see how much he still trusts me after the attack.

“He doesn’t blame you at all. Too soft for that. He told me that he knew that you didn't know, the moment you gave him your name. Still an idiot.”

I lightly brushed my hand against the scar on Keigo’s face. He was so relaxed and carefree even without his wings. After he woke up from his short nap, he was able to speak.

“Would you be willing to come to America?” He asked and I was surprised at the question, “You already destroyed your father’s reputation and I am sure that can give the rest of the damaging evidence to Skeptic.”

I sat there, thinking it over. It was a tempting offer but America would be boring without my little bird.

“Would you come with us?”

Jin started laughing at the growing blush on Keigo’s face.

“I was planning on if you said yes. They have someone who can reverse damages done by a quirk. Plus, I gave Best Jeanist all the best ideas for them to beat AFO while I am gone.”

My eyes widen at the realization of the chance of being scar-free. I agreed to his plan and he started texting away. A week later, I was bundled up to hide the scars as we boarded a helicopter.

It was interesting, after we met his doctor friend, to see my scarless face after almost 20 years. Keigo explained that they were curious about Jin’s psyche and the trauma with his quirk. By studying what happened to him, they can help children before the same thing happens to them. They offered to study me because my body does not match my quirk. It was nice that they were paying us and we started laughing when we caught Jin rolling in money once.

Keigo bought a house in a nice forest area. I was happy to see his bright red wings again. They were worried that it would take too many sessions to heal, but as soon as the nubs started growing, they grew fast on their own. Jin permanently joined us at the cabin and never wanted to leave.

He still has bouts of double-talking but with the help of the therapists there, he doesn’t need to wear the mask anymore. We still get news reports about events in Japan but it seems that the new generation of heroes is fixing the old mistakes.

I saw the flash of silver on Keigo’s hand and smiled as I reached out to hold the hand with a gold ring.

“And they say that villains don’t get happy endings,” Jin said as he pulled out a cigarette, “to new beginnings!”

“To new beginnings!” We cheered.

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