The Blinded Bird

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Day 2: Childhood/ Hero School

**Dabi's POV**

The school was ramped with rumors because a new kid was transferring in the middle of the school year. People were questioning gender, quirks, and age without seeing the new kid. I was spending my time, sitting on the rooftop, having a smoke before class.

"Coming through!" A male voice shouted.

I looked up and saw someone flying over to where I was. They landed and I got a view of bright red wings. He turned around and I saw the blindfold over his eyes.

"Hello! Sorry for scaring you! I could sense that there was someone on the rooftop but I was unsure where you were exactly."

"It's dangerous to fly without seeing where you are going. Why don't you take it off when you fly?"

"It is to help with focus."

It sounded like he was trying to avoid the question. I put out my cigarette and walked over to him. It was almost funny how he tilted his head like a bird.

"So you are the new kid everyone has been talking about."

"The name's Takami Keigo! I'm trying to become the Wing Hero, Hawks," he pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me, "I'm supposed to meet someone named Todoroki Touya, do you know him?"

He wasn't able to see my eye roll due to the blindfold. I guess his caretakers did not know I changed my name earlier this year. I took the paper and noticed it was his schedule with my old name written on the other side.

"Answer me truthfully and I will lead you to him."

"Shoot the question!"

"What is the true reason why you wear the blindfold?"

His wings tucked themselves in at my question.

"It is for training. My caretakers got permission from the school to let me wear it all day to train my quirk. If I take it off even for a moment, I will be punished by them. Now, could you please tell me where Todoroki is?"

I took out a pen and scratched out my old name on the piece of paper.

"I haven't gone by Touya since I moved out of my family's home. The name's Dabi now. I'm training to be the Phoenix Hero, Blueflame."

I almost laughed at his vibrating wings as he smiled. The dude seemed more like an excited puppy than a hawk. He pointed at his schedule and I finally noticed his classes. He is two years younger than me but we are taking all the same classes.

"The blindfold is good for training but I can't read anything at all."

"You should take it off then since they must have screwed up your schedule. You are supposed to take first-year classes not a third-year like me."

He looked over to the security camera as if he could see it through the blindfold when I mentioned taking it off.

"That's the schedule they gave me so I trust it," he looked away from the camera, "I cannot take off the blindfold without getting punished."

He started hugging his arms and I had a small flashback of training with my sperm donor. I guess I am going to have to talk with Principal Nezu to help stop this. He loves making heroes while saying screw you to them at the same time.

My thoughts got interrupted by the bell ringing.

**Keigo's POV**

After the bell rang, I followed Touy-Dabi to class. The first one was quirk training and I had to introduce myself.

"Heyo! The name's Keigo Takami and my hero name is Hawks! I'm going to be the fastest hero ever. I hope that we can be friends!"

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