The Daily Special

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Day 5: Coffee Shop/ Bakery

*Keigo's POV*

Rumi says I need to eat breakfast more often, and KFC does not count. So she recommended a coffee shop that she goes to. She stole my limited edition Endeavor poster and threatened to burn it if I did not show up there. I looked up at the name of the shop.

The Dusty Roast

The name was interesting as I walked into the shop. I spotted white bunny ears as Rumi was flirting hard with one of the baristas. I walked over to her and put my arm around her shoulders. I got a hard elbow in the gut for my troubles. At least it was not a kick, I think I still have a bruise from last year.

"If this is how you treat your friends, I would hate to see how you treat your lovers."

She glared at me as I heard deep laughter. I turned my head to see another barista changing the daily special board. He was holding his sides while bent over. I looked around and noticed the patrons ignored us, I guess this is normal for here.

"I have seen Tomi after one of their dates. She should change her hero tag to the feral hero," the deep voice sounded nice.

"Shut up you!" The one Rumi was flirting with spoke with a scratchy voice, "you call me crusty but at least I got into a relationship faster than you. Burnt piece of bacon."

Rumi was laughing as if the two fighting was an everyday occurrence. She picked up our order and dragged me away as they continued throwing insults. I guess it is normal for them to threaten to kill each other.

"Should we stop them? We are heroes," I asked as I saw 'Tomi' turn a thrown mug into dust.

"Nah, they have a license to be able to use their quirks in the shop. Also, a good fight just means tomorrow's special is going to be good," she started eating her carrot cake, "just look at today's special after I told him that an Endeavor fanboy was coming."

I turned to look at the board that 'Dabi' was working on earlier and I almost spat out my drink at the name. I guess he is not a big fan of Endeavor.

Endeavor Sucks

A peppermint tea with hints of cinnamon

"He can tell you the story behind his hatred later," she winked, "just keep coming here."

Dabi walked up to our table and looked at Rumi. I finally had a chance to look at him. Fluffy black hair, bright blue eyes, and dark scars covering his body. He looked nice and lean, and it was hard to keep my eyes above the waist.

"Hey Rumi, do you still have that special cream? I accidentally caused Tomi to panic and he broke the skin on his neck," she pulled a jar of cream and handed it to him, then he finally looked at me, "when you said you were bringing a fanboy here. I didn't think you meant The Endeavor Fanboy."

He walked away as my face turned as red as my feathers. Rumi was dying of laughter at my reaction. I got nicknamed that after the press caught me on my day off, wearing full Endeavor merch. I had a team up with him later that week and even he made fun of me.

I came back to the shop every day and the next week, I was surprised at the new special.

The Birds & The Bunnies

A red velvet cake with bits of carrot cake mixed in

Rumi already ordered two slices for us to try as I walked up to the counter. I turned to order some coffee and I could not look away. Dabi was on all fours trying to grab something from under a table. I tilted my head as I got a nice view of his ass.

"Damn boy! You could bounce a coin off that ass!" Rumi shouted, "what do you think Keigo?"

I could only stutter a few random words and I think I said chicken in the middle of that. Dabi took that as an invitation to shake his ass while still searching. Tomura walked by, took a quick look before giving a swift kick, and walked away.

"Mother fucker!" He shouted after his head hit the table, "that's it Crusty! Time to add an extra C to your nicknames."

Dabi was grumbling as he got up and made me a coffee.

"Hey, you are always complaining about not getting laid so I gave you a sore ass!" Shiggy said as he moved away.

It was interesting seeing the blush covering part of his face as he handed me the cup.

"I am not a bottom unlike you Tomura! I know she pegs you!"

I accidentally snorted while drinking the coffee and Rumi was patting my back while laughing.

"Use your mouth and not your nose next time," Dabi said as he handed me a new one and a napkin.

When we sat down at the table, I finally noticed the extra writing in blue on the cup. It was a phone number with the words 'Call me Redbird' on it. She grabbed the cup and laughed at my face. But she stopped as she stared at something behind me. I turned around and I was shocked when I saw Endeavor in regular clothes. He walked over to the counter and Dabi was facing away from him. Tomura was cleaning up the trash while glaring at Endeavor.

"Todoroki Touya!"

"Not my name anymore, old man! It is Yagi Dabi now."

"It is the name you were born with, so it is your name. Now, come back home and meet this girl I found for you. Your children will have a powerful quirk."

He turned around and I actually saw pure anger in his blue eyes. I saw small blue flames coming from his hands as Tomura walked over with a fire extinguisher. I walked over and leaned on the counter.

"Hey babe," I turned to Endeavor, "Heyo, Endeavor. What are you doing here?"

"I did not expect to see you here, Hawks. This place is too run down for the top three heroes. I could recommend a better one for you."

"Come here and say that to my face, you overgrown fire hazard!" He ignored Rumi's shouts and gave me a funny look.

"Did you just call my son 'Babe'?"

"Not your son anymore bastard!"

Hide the shock, hide the shock, and just ask him later. I gave him my press-worthy smile to hide my surprise.

"Yep, it is quite easy to call my boyfriend cute names."

I grew worried for the store and my feathers when his face exploded in flames. He got a blast in the face by the fire extinguisher.

"Enji, you have been warned against coming here. I have already called All Might over here for his daily meal and I do not think he would appreciate watching you threaten his sons," Tomura said as he put down the fire extinguisher.

Endeavor stormed out and most of the coffee shop started cheering. I finally got more of the story after All Might showed up. Dabi is Endeavor's oldest son and he got adopted by All Might shortly after the burning quirk incident. Tomura got adopted by All Might after a quirk incident killed his parents. All Might even was the one to come up with the name of the place after helping them start it.

"So Babe?" Dabi asked as he leaned on my shoulder, "when's our next date?"

I let out a squawk and the group started laughing at my blushing stutters. The next day, I smiled at the board.

The Red Feather

A red velvet blended coffee with yellow whipped cream and edible gold glitter

This became my favorite spot to relax whenever I was not working. As we continued dating, the team-ups with Endeavor became entertaining. He kept on trying to get me to call Dabi by his old name. I sold all of my Endeavor Merch, except for one item, and gave it to the shop for upgrades. 'Endeavor Sucks' became a menu staple.

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