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I scream as I shot up in bed, feeling clammy and cold from my nightmare. My breathing was quick and I had to lay back down. I stared at my ceiling and sighed. My nightmare was confusing but, really scared me for reason. There was a figure in green shouting something at another man in white who was holding his hand. The man in white seemed to be on a creature of sorts, a dragon perhaps. A tentacle was wrapped around the green figure's waist.

The green figure seemed to change his tone and replace his hand with a blue crystal. The green figure dissolved into the darkened water under him. The man in white shouted a name that I could not hear. I know it was a name but I just, it was like a muffled name but also not muffled at the same time. I started to feel like I was drowning, the water holding me in a death grip as I screamed as the sea filled my lungs.

That's when I woke up. Morro burst into my room with a kitchen knife in his hand. " WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" He shouted, thinking someone had broken into my room. Morro looked around and saw no one else was in my room. " (Y/n)? Are you ok?" Morro walked over to me, setting the knife on my nightstand. " Yeah... Sorry if I woke you up. What time is it?" I asked sitting up. " 2 am." He glanced at my clock, " 2:28."

I clench my blankets, " Sorry Morro, I just had a nightmare. That's it. I'm ok though!" I smiled at him. Morro sat next to me on the bed, " What happened? In the nightmare." He questioned. He was worried about me like a good brother. I shrugged, " I really don't remember anymore. Something about green yelling at white, replacing hand with a crystal, then dissolving into the ocean. Then I felt like I was drowning." I vaguely explained. 

Morro seemed to stiffen up. " That's an odd dream. Don't let it affect you though, it's just a silly nightmare." He ruffled my hair. He got up and took the knife, " Go back to sleep, we have school in the morning." He walked to the door. " Night Morro!" I call out as he leaves. " Night sis," Morro shut my room. I laid back down on my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to bed. Thankfully, I was able to too without any dreams. 

My alarm clock disturbed my sleep and I got up sleepily. I turned off my alarm and got up. I got dressed before going downstairs. I saw Morro sitting at the table eating cereal. A bowl, milk, and a box of cereal were on the counter for me. I walked over and greet the blacked haired teen. I poured the milk into the bowl then the cereal just to piss off Morro. " The milk is second dumbass!" He shouted. " I know but fuck you!" I laugh.

I sit at the table and ate my cereal. Morro was looking at his phone and I stared at the bowl of cereal. I finished quickly and washed mine and Morro's bowls so he could pack our lunches. I went back to my room and got ready for school. I heard my phone buzz and I check it. It was a text from the group chat. Zane was telling us that he won't be attending class due to personal reasons.

Already the others were telling him ok and they hope everything is ok. I texted back as well before brushing my hair. I put on some light makeup because, why not. As I did that, I got a call from an unknown number. I picked up my phone, " Hello?" A glitchy static-y voice asked if I was (Y/n). " Umm, yes?" The call was silent before the call disconnected. " What the fuck?" I looked at my phone. I blinked a few times while staring at my phone. I slid it into my pocket as I shut off my bathroom light. 

I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen. I grabbed my lunch bag and put it into my bag. I zipped up my backpack and thread my arms through the straps. I sighed and sat down. My cat, Shade,  jumped onto my lap and demanded attention. I smiled and pet her as Morro finished up getting ready. He walked into the kitchen and put his lunch into his bag as well. " Ready to go?" Morro asked. I smooch my cat's head, " Yup."

We walked out of our house and started to make our way to school. I look around the neighborhood and gasp. I grab Morro's sleeve and point on top of a building. " Morro look! Isn't that the Ice Ninja!" Morro looked at where I was pointing just in time to see the snow-white robotic Ninja jump behind the building. 

" Well, I'll be damn. It really was him." Morro was confused why he was out seeing as he read the text. Why would he be patrolling during this time anyway? The police usually take care of it unless it's big. So why was the Ice Ninja patrolling? Was something big going on? No, the others would be aware of it and also be skipping school. Was this personal? Whatever it was, it wasn't their business. 

" Come on, we don't want to be late for school." Morro pulled me along and back on track. " Right right. But that was so cool! " I smiled. I was going to say I wish I could meet the Ninja buuuuut I do. And it's the coolest one of them all! The Green Ninja! I skip alongside Morro to get to school since his steps are bigger than mine. Morro chuckled. " I wonder what shit will happen today." 


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