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" This cant be happening." I gasped. I was backed into a corner. I couldn't do anything. This was. The end of my life. I couldn't go on anymore. All the time I've spent. All my progress. Ruined. Into the dust.

" you should have saved a while ago." Morro chuckled as I died on a video game. I groaned. " Yeah yeah I know!" I threw my controller onto the couch and pouted. " This sucks!" I picked the controller back up and started playing again. Morro chuckled as he looked back at his phone. He was messaging the ninja. Apparently, all of Leviathan's journal entries were coded with different words than what he was explaining. He addressed the ninja as, the infections protectors, me as infected, and the infection he never went into detail about. The journal entries were more personal. Anything related to why he was trying to murder me, was kept a secret. Like he knew they were going to find it at some point. There were mentions of it, but nothing was ever discussed in full.

Morro bit his nail in frustration. He needed to find out more. But how could he? Everything was kept a secret. He didn't know what else to do. If he at least knew where their base was, everything would be a lot easier. He could get sneak into any place and hide anywhere, but he needed to know their location. Then, he got it. He quickly texted his plan to the ninja and waited for nightfall.

Morro's silent feet hit the ground as he hid behind a dumpster. His breathing was kept silent as he peeked around the edge. The Dark Solider he was following did not detect him. Morro smirked as he pulled the large scarf around his neck up to cover his mouth and nose. He had to bleed into the night. Blending into his surroundings. He noticed a mirror that was next to the dumpster. He quickly moved into a new location so the soldier couldn't see him through the mirror.

The Dark Soldier looked around before running. Morro followed them, only a short distance away. He made sure to spot all hiding places just in case. The Dark Solider turned around and Morro quickly backtracked and balled up, turning away. The night covered him and the Dark Solider he was a rock or a bunch of junk piled together. His scarf flowed in the breeze, giving the illusion of a pile of junk. The Dark Soldier hummed and continued on their way.

Morro got up and continued to follow them. The Soldier made it to an abandoned building and went inside. Morro stayed outside and looked into a window. The soldier pealed up a flooring tile which revealed a secret hatch. Morro smirked and took out his phone. He marked his coordinates before leaving. With all the close calls of the Dark Soldier spotting him, he knew tonight was not the night to traverse further.

Morro knocked on the monasteries door after getting up the long steps. The door opened by Sensei Wu. " Oh, Morro." " Yeah, I got information," Morro said and was let inside. He was brought into the living room where the ninja were playing video games to relax for a bit after going on their nightly routine. " Ayo." Morro got their attention and Jay paused the game. " Oh Morro!" " I got the location of their base," Morro smirked.

Lloyd walked into the room, drying his hair with a towel. " oh shit really?" " Lloyd language!" " You guys cuss too shut up" Lloyd sighed. " Anyways, I got the location. I didn't go in though because the Dark Solider almost caught me multiple times so I didn't. Tomorrow or the next day I will." He told them, looking at his nails. " You actually got their location of the base?" Nya asked. Morro nodded, " Of course, I did Ms. Water." He snickered. She rolled her eyes. " Thanks, Morro, you've been a big help." " Of course, it's no biggie. I just want (Y/n) safe." " You really treat her as a real sister" " Of course I do. I love her. She means a lot to me that little bitch.

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