Chapter 11- Fountain

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Ava's Pov

Adisa and I had slept in too long and missed breakfast. Adisa is feeling a lot better since yesterday. We are wandering around Rivendell, trying to pass the time until lunch. That is when I spot it, a lone apple in an apple tree. Adisa and I glance at each other before racing for the tree, pushing and shoving each other as we go. Both trying to get there before the other.

This is what those dwarfs have turned us into, we are madmen fighting for our food.

Adisa finally manages to escape my headlock and runs to the tree, she starts navigating her way up to the apple.

However me being an elf and more nimble, I am able to catch up to her quicker.

I am just reaching for the apple, when I hear a whistle as something flies past my ear. It lodges itself into the apple and sticks it to the branch behind it.
I turn around to see Adisa smirking at me.

"What was going through your mind, when you thought you would throw a knife past my head" I accuse.

"I was thinking I was hungry" Adisa replies smugly as she shrugs her shoulders at me.

I scowl at her. "Well go get it then" I say as I sit down comfortably on the branch i'm on, resting my arms behind my head.

"What?" She replies in surprise.
"Are you not even going to try to fight me for it?"

"Nah, because as my elf eyes can see, there is a big, juicy worm hanging out of it" I say smugly with a smirk on my face.

"Really" Adisa says looking at the apple. She drops it in disgust. "Oh man" She whines.

"I don't even know what we are fighting about, I mean an apple is not a big meal"

"Yeah, your right. Let's go down, maybe we can raid the kitchen" Adisa agrees with me.

"Nah, it's too late the dwarves already have" I say as I start making my way out of the tree.

"Wait, stop!" Adisa cries as she grabs my arm.

"What is it" I say looking around for the danger.

"Look through the branches, there, in the fountain. Can't you hear them too?" Adisa says as she points through the leaves.

"Oh, my, are they doing what I think they are doing" I say with a giggle.

"Yep" Adisa says as she grabs her dagger out of the branch.

"Well i'm going down" I say.

"You can't go down there, they will know we were here" Adisa says as she grabs onto my arm. With a pleading look in her eyes.

"I don't really care if they see me" I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Well I do, so you need to stay" she says as she tries to pull me back behind the cover of the leaves.

"Fine, but what's going to happen when they come out of the fountain" I say pointedly.

"Oh,my" Adisa says, blushing madly.
I laugh at how red she is.

"Shhh, they're coming, hide" she says as she tries to drag me under cover.

"Nah, i'm good just enjoying the view"

"Are you really" Adisa says incredulously.

"Nah, there is nothing enjoyable down there, except maybe . . ."

"Who!" Adisa says as she tries to peer around the leaves. She suddenly slips on the branch she is sitting on and falls out of the tree.
"Ahhhh!" She yells as she falls into the middle of the fountain. In between all of the dwarves.

"Whoops" I say as I jump down like a cat behind her. I land on my feet next to Adisa. I extend my hand to her.
"Need a hand" I say as I lift her up from the ground.

We turn around to see all the dwarves staring at us. "What? It's your fault for bathing in the fountain" I say.
The dwarves look around at each other, like they don't really know what to say. Most of them are scrambling around to find some sort of clothing to cover themselves.

Adisa looks up to see Fili standing above her. I don't think her face could get any redder.
"Ahh, training was good yesterday" She mumbles. "Your form was, ah, good" She continues.
I crack up laughing, she has no idea what to say at this incredibly awkward time.
That's when I spot it, another braid hanging in plain sight from Adisa's hair.

"When did you get that braid?" I ask suspiciously. I've never seen it before, and I thought I knew everything about her.

"I, I don't know, I had it before I met you. I didn't think it was important" She stutters.

A gasp is heard in the background,
and Bombur walks up with half his clothes on. Adisa turns her eyes away, and I almost laugh at how awkward this is, but I don't because it's so serious.

"That braid. How did you get it?" Bombur asks.

"I don't know, I've had I ever since I was born" She replies with a shrug of her shoulders.

"It can't be" Bombur gasps again. " But it's exactly the same" I can see the puzzle pieces clicking into place.
Adisa looks at me and I can see the fear in her eyes and also the relief. Our secret is about to be revealed. I nod my head to tell her that it's ok. He has every right to know.

"It is the same" I answer for Adisa.
"She is your eldest daughter and I know because I heard her being taken away from you. I saw you that night but I couldn't tell you, otherwise I would have lost track of Adisa. I'm sorry" I say with a sad voice.

He looks at me in shock, but then smiles. "Without you I would not have my daughter standing here in front of me. Do not apologise, for I should be thanking you" Bombur says as he runs forward and devours me in a hug. Now I see where Adisa gets it from.

Adisa has tears streaming down her face, and I know it has been hard for her to keep this secret. After releasing me, Bombur makes his way to his first born child, and they sit there and talk and catch up on all things forgotten.
I can feel a tear of my own running down my cheek. It is not often when that happens.

I feel Kili place his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I am too busy watching Adisa's bright smile of happiness to notice that Kili has put some pants on, but has still got a bare chest. I quickly glance up at his face so he doesn't notice me checking him out. It's too late and he raises an eyebrow at me. I blush red and hurry to change the subject. It's not often that I blush.

"Things have been very weird today. First you guys have a bath in the fountain, then this crazy mess happens, what next? Lord Elrond's going to say he's really a girl and Thorin admits he's half elf" I say, trying to avoid looking at Kili's bare chest. I get a huge scowl from Thorin over that one. Kili laughs at me.

"It will go back to normal tomorrow. Thorin told us we are leaving Rivendell to carry on with the journey"
Kili says as he searches around on the floor until he finds what he is looking for, which turns out to be a shirt.

I sigh in disappointment, not just over the fact that he is no longer bare chested but that we are leaving Rivendell, I love this place.

"I think it's time we leave these two to catch up" I say motioning to Adisa and Bombur. "Lunch should be ready soon anyway" I say as I begin walking away.

"I'll come with you" Kili calls out as he runs up to catch up with me.
The rest of the dwarves follow as we head to where the food is waiting.
Leaving Adisa to catch up with her family.

Author's Note-

I know this chapters a bit weird, but I had to put it in. It's a bit of an inside joke between me and my friend. A shout out to my friend (who Adisa is based off) livelifeloud54, she is amazing and you should check out her books.
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That's all for now :) bye!

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