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On the morning at  military outpost

Ben : everyone ready ?

Bill: yeah...we ready

Ben : let go

Ben start the chopper and they fly out the  military outpost

Flashback (last  night)

Bill : we should find other military outpost

Zoey : bill's right , this place not safe 

Francis: yeah...it has overun

Louis: I can not belive the  military fall

Ben : they tried to protect civilians to evacuation toward the  military vehicle before they sacrifice

The  group check the map

Francis : Man...that a lot of x mark

Zoey : look there 2 safe military outpost we could make it

Bill :  the chopper could take us there

Ben : it take us 2 day to get there

Louis: It better than walk 

Flashback over

Ben fly the chopper about 2 hours 

suddenly the chopper beep...beep

Ben : you got be kidding me

Bill: out of fuel 

Francis : oh c'mon 

Zoey look out the window of the chopper she see the gas station 

Zoey : guy there a gas station over there 

Louis: good eyes Zoey 

Ben : yeah good job


The chopper landing in the field far way the gas station

Francis: um...ben why you land the chopper far way the gas station  

Ben : cause there could be a special infection and I won't take the risk 

Zoey : that Smart idea   

Bill : okay let go people 

The group take their weapon, they walk toward the gas station , they checked there no gas

Louis: that strange  

Ben : I had bad feeling about this   

Bill: let check inside , there make be something we can use

Bill, Zoey, Ben go in the shop to check


Louis, Francis standing outside , they walk around , suddenly they saw a sign with red blood

"YOU ALL NOW IN THE angel of darkness TERRITORY"

Louis: shit! shit! 

Francis: we going tell the other  

suddenly they feel a gun behind their head

????: If I were you I won't do anything stupid and drop those gun
Louis, Francis turn around see they surround by 5 men : 3 hold ak47, 2 hold rpg


Bill, Zoey,Ben check the shop so far they found nothing

Bill: let get out of here

Ben : there are nothing here

Bill, Zoey,Ben go back outside the shop and they saw Louis, Francis on their kneel , and hand behind their back

Zoey: what the ....

suddenly they feel a gun behind their head

????: If I were you I won't do anything stupid and drop those gun now

Bill, Zoey,Ben turn around see they surround by 8 men : 6 hold ak47, 4 hold rpg

Ben : oh man

End chapter

To be continue.........

Ben 10 Crossover Left 4 DeadWhere stories live. Discover now