The Bridge

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The group exit the saferoom , they exit the railroad tunnel and re-enter the forest.

They kill some Zombie on their way on their way

Francis : Nice shooting - keep it up.

Ben : Thank ?

Zoey : Sounds like a smoker.

Louis Spotting Smoker

Louis : SMOKER!

The Smoker pull Bill

Bill : Get this thing off me!

Francis kill the Smoker

Francis : Merry Christmas.

Ben : Let keep moving

The group keep follow a pathway through a gully up to a service building , entering this building and descending a flight of stairs

Bill : I hear a Witch. And she's close.

Zoey : Don't disturb her, and we'll be okay.

The group slowly walk pass the Witch


The Survivors are able to re-join the tracks in the open air once again. Leaving the tunnel behind for good, they follow the railway past an engine shed until they encounter a signal gantry and bridge connected to high ground on their left.

Francis : You know, I bet we can knock that bridge down.

The Survivors check out a service building on the left for supplies and release the brake on a train car to drop the bridge. Unfortunately this triggers an Infected and the horde attack from no less than three directions.

Ben : Be ready for anything.

Bill : Don't panic.

Zoey : Here they come

The group keep firing their gun shoot and kill any Zombie come near them until the Tank , the Spitter, the Charger

Louis : Oh boy

Ben : You guy take care the Spitter and the Charger . I will take care the Tank

Bill and Zoey take care the Spitter

Francis and Louis take care the Charger

Ben look at the Tank , the Tank roar at Ben

Ben immediately turn the dial , he stop at the hologram of Vaxasaurian Alien again

Ben : Please give me a right Alien this time

He immediately slam down the dial

He immediately slam down the dial

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Ben : Humungousaur!!!

Humungousaur : Yeah! Finally!!

Then the Tank throw big rock toward Humungousaur , the rock hit Humungousaur face

Humungousaur : Hey that hurt , alright time to go Ultimate

Humungousaur alter his body size up to about 60 feet. Then Humungousaur touch the Ultimatrix symbol transform to

 Then Humungousaur touch the Ultimatrix symbol transform to

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Ben : Ultimate Humungousaur!!!

Ultimate Humungousaur pointed his left arm at the Tank, his left hand then transformed into multi barrel, bio-cannons .The Evolved alien then fired several missile shapbone fragments from the bio-cannons, which exploded upon contact with the Tank with the force of several explosive round from a battleship. The explosions sent the Tank flying through the air, land hard on the ground , the Tank finally die

Ultimate Humungousaur touch the Ultimatrix symbol transform back to Ben

Back to Francis and Louis

The Charger speeds up grab Louis

Francis : Louis!!!!

Louis : Don't stand there! Kill this thing!

Francis immediately kill The Charger

Francis : Are you okay ?

Louis : I think I need some pills.

Francis : Louis, come on, patch yourself up.

Back to Bill and Zoey

The Spitter spit out a ball of mutated stomach acid

Bill : Watch out!!!

Zoey : Ewww! Move, move, move!

Bill and Zoey firing their gun kill the Spitter

Zoey : Nailed it!


After defeating the Infected hordes, the Survivors climb the fallen bridge to reach high ground. They briefly head back into the forest before entering a small cabin

Bill : Saferoom in here

Everyone enter the Saferoom

Bill close the door

To be continue.....

Ben 10 Crossover Left 4 DeadWhere stories live. Discover now