The runaway

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In the saferoom

Francis : Hey, we're almost outta this shithole. I told you I'd get you outta here.

Bill : shut up Francis

Francis : What ?

Louis : Hehehehe

Zoey : Everyone ready to go ?

Ben : Yeah, let go

Ben unlock the door

The Survivors exit the safe room  to see the airport apron is a confused mass of bomb craters, destroyed aircraft and smashed infrastructure. Numerous passive Common Infected are loitering amidst the wreckage 

Francis : Somebody really blew this place to hell...

Zoey : Jesus, it looks like a bomb went off here. A few bombs.

Billy : C'mon let keep moving

The Survivors keep moving until they  saw The C-130

Bill : The C-130 is nice flyin

 Francis : This is the last flight outta here, let's go!

Ben : That plane looks like it's still workin'

Louis :  At least one plane is working.

The Survivors come near  The C-130 they saw area containing the C-130, a refueling truck, ammo pile, Minigun, items and Tier 2 weapons then they hear something 

Pilot: Hey! You there! Yeah, you! Pick up that radio.

Ben the pick up the radio from a dead body

Ben : Hello ?Can you hear us ?

Pilot: Yeah , I can hear you, now  where Terry ?

Ben and the group look at the dead body

Ben :  Terry didn't make it, pal.How can we help?

Pilot:  Hey, buddy! Y'all can get me fueled up and I'll be happy to get you out of here. 

Bill : I see it. Give us a minute to get ready.

Bill: All right, people, there's an aircraft on its way. Let's dig in. 

Francis: Hell, we can do that.

Louis: Starting the fuel truck...

Pilot: There should be a button!  

Louis: I see the button. Give us a minute to get ready.

Pilot: All right! Gas me up, and we can fly out of here!

Ben and the group prepare their gun 

Pilot: Oh! I almost forgot. The fuel truck makes a bit of a racket. Y'all might wanna get ready for a fight before you go pressin' anything.

Ben then hit the button 

Pilot: It's working! I can see the fuel gauge moving.

All the horde ,  special infection in the airport hear The fuel truck racket,they ran toward where the racket come from  

Pilot : It's gonna take some time to fill up, though. Hang in there!

The Pilot saw all the horde , special infection ran toward them

Pilot : Look out behind you!

The Survivors turn around saw  all the horde , special infection ran toward them

The Survivors use their gun firing kill any horde  come near them 

Ben 10 Crossover Left 4 DeadWhere stories live. Discover now