The Train Station

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 In small cabin

Ben : How many ammunition you guy have left ? Mine 1 Ammo and 2 bullet left

Zoey : Mine 2 Ammo and 2 bullet left

Bill : Mine 3 Ammo and 1 Molotov left

Francis : Mine 3 Ammo and 1 bullet left

Louis : Mine 2 Ammo  and 1 pipe bomb left

Ben : I think we need to save some enough Ammo so we can make into the next saferoom

Zoey : Everyone ready ?

Ben : Yep 

Bill : We all ready

Francis : Let do this 

Zoey unlock the door , Everyone walk out the cabin , they kill some Zombie on their way , they walk pass through some woods and find a barn 

Francis: Barn ahead! 

Louis : Any supplies in the barn? 

Zoey : Is Arnold in there? 

Bill : I hated that show. 

Francis : I have NEVER liked barns. 

Louis : Never thought I'd say it, but I miss the city.

Ben : Anyone check that barn?

Zoey : Let me

Zoey walk closer to the Barn , when she open the door a Charger grabbing Zoey jacket carrying Zoey away

Zoey : Help!!

Bill , Louis , Francis , Ben : Zoey !!



Francis : Oh c'mon

Ben : You guy take care the horde , I will take care the hunter and the Charger

Bill , Louis , Francis take care  the horde

Ben tapped the Ultimatrix dial and, in a flash of green, transformed to 

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Ben : Goop!!

Goop change the shape of his body , he jump on the Charger body , then he  use his acid to make the Charger scream in pain , let go Zoey , the Charger finally die

Zoey : Nice , thank Ben

Goop : You welcome Zoey

Goop then saw the hunter on the roof of the Barn about to jump Goop then tapped the Ultimatrix dial and, in a flash of green, transformed to 

Goop then saw the hunter on the roof of the Barn about to jump Goop then tapped the Ultimatrix dial and, in a flash of green, transformed to 

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Ben : Ampfibian!!!

Ampfibian become intangible , he fly close to the hunter , he stretch 4 his arms shoot lightning blasts toward the hunter make the hunter scream in pain , the hunter finally die

Bill , Louis , Francis kill all the horde ,

Ampfibian then tapped the Ultimatrix dial and, in a flash of green, transformed back to Ben

Ben : Everyone Alright ?

Bill : Yeah... We all good

Francis : Found any good stuff in there ?

Zoey : I can not get a closer look

The group found 3 First Aid kit , 1 Bile Bomb in  the Barn and they keep moving until they make it to train station 

Bill : Train station ahead! 

Francis : The tracks should be down there! 

Louis : This is all messed up.

Ben : Let find some thing weapons, supplies,or even Ammo

The group enter the large-goods warehouse structure  , they found some supplies and  some Ammo but no weapons , they also avoid the Witch and abandoned car . The group keep following the train tracks, the Survivors find a small passenger station that contains First Aid kit , pain pill . A short way along, the tracks are blocked by a train wreck and the Survivors are obliged to enter a larger passenger station through a basement doorway. By climbing a flight of stairs, exploring rooms for supplies and fighting off various enemies on the way, Survivors ultimately end up in a top floor room overlooking the tracks and bridge.  

Francis : Why can't one of these goddamn trains be working?

Ben : Because  one of these trains don't have gas or the battery are dead

Bill : Across the bridge, GO! 

Louis : Get to the goddam train car! 

Zoey : Yeah, the caboose!

The group walk to  the caboose but before they could enter  the caboose . The caboose suddenly turn into  dust

Francis : What the Fuck ?

Zoey : Uh... guy look!!

Bill , Louis , Francis , Ben turn around saw a figure standing on the hill

Louis : No 

Zoey : way

Bill : It

Francis : That

Ben : Eon .... And he is here

Eon keep firing time ray at Ben and the group

Bill : Watch out!!!

Zoey : Oh crap!

Francis : shit! Run

Louis : shit! shit! shit!

To be continue....

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