Find a boat that can get to the goal

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Inside the saferoom

Francis : What the hell is that thing back there ?

Zoey : I think it look like a combine a Tank with a Boomer

Bill : I begin to think

Louis : What it is Bill ?

Bill : There are could be more new Special Infected we never see before

The group look Bill in shock 

Francis : You have got to be kidding me , we face thousand of vampire---

Louis : They're Zombie Francis

Francis : You realize I don't care

Zoey : We deal with Tank , Smoker , Hunter , Boomer ... now we have some new Special Infected

Bill : This is why we should found a sailboat fast , get out of here and get to the key . No more Army , mo more CEDA , no more horseshit

Louis : No more Internet , no more Xbox 

Zoey : No more Human race

Francis : No more Vampire

Ben : So ... When we're on the boat ... Can Zombie swim ?

Zoey : In most movie they're sink

Louis : Yeah , I read that in books too . So Bill , when we're on a key , you got an Island of mine

Bill :  Yeah I got a couple of idea , we're gonna clear the Island and spend the rest of our lives relaxing on the beach

Louis : I like a sound of that

Francis : Why don't we just lives on the boat !?

Bill : Unless you're gonna stop eating . We're gona need a damn big boat to hold all the supplies

Francis : Well there was big ship back there

Bill : As far we know Zombie can't swim

Francis : They're not the only one

Louis : I'm going teach your ass how to swim Francis

Francis : I seriously doubt it

Ben : I just hope we never ran into a Zombie dogs

Zoey : Yeah... I hope so

Bill : Alright! Let go people!

Bill opened the door and the group walked out the saferoom , the group walk pass the empty alley

Bill : Let's find a boat that can get to the goal

The group walk in a building , found a pipe bomb , a Molotov . The group walked out the building then suddenly The hordes on the roof jump toward the group

Bill : Watch out!

Zoey : Shit!

The group avoid the hordes , the group use their gun firing the hordes , Ben turn the dial and a green hologram of an alien appeared. Ben turned the dial, turn different alien on the playlist, until he found the alien he wanted and he slam down the dial ,transforms into

 Ben turned the dial, turn different alien on the playlist, until he found the alien he wanted and he slam down the dial ,transforms into

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Ben : Echo Echo!!!

Echo Echo  duplicate himself into 5 

Echo Echo : Every...body...cover...your...ears

the group cover their ears 

Echo EchoWALL... OF... SOUND!!!

Echo Echo  make sonic screams toward the hordes , make all the Zombie head get destroys leave all the lifeless body no heads fall down on the ground and some nearby building window get destroy . 5 Echo Echo  duplicate himself back into one , in flash of green light transform back to Ben

Ben : Okay ... So now what ?

Before Bill or or anybody could reply they hear 


The group look on the roof the saw hunter screaming

Louis : Shit!Shit!

Ben : Oh man

 The hordes ran toward the group , the group split up , Bill and Louis , Francis go together , Ben and Zoey ran to nearby building . Zoey shoot at the Zombie , Ben activate the Ultimatrix , he turn the dial and a green hologram of an alien appeared and he slam down the dial ,transforms into

 Zoey shoot at the Zombie , Ben activate the Ultimatrix , he turn the dial and a green hologram of an alien appeared and he slam down the dial ,transforms into

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Ben : Eatle!!!

Eatle  run to nearby car ,he open his mouth and he bit and eat all the whole car , the his horn start to grow green . He then shoot a green laser beam out of the slot on his horn kill any Zombie come near him , he then use left hand crush a Zombie . Then he saw the hunter jump from the top of the building toward him , the hunter pin him down and tried to kill Eatle with it claws . Thank to Eatle's body is very Durability so he did not feel  any pain the hunter do to him

Eatle : Sorry ugly that's not going to work

Eatle then use both of his hands grab the hunter's head , Eatle crush the hunter's head like a watermelon . he throw the hunter's body off him . He saw Zoey kill the remain Zombie and ran toward him

Zoey : Ben are you okay ?! I saw the hunter pin you down on the ground

Eatle : I'm fine Zoey it going to take more than that to kill me

Eatle touch the dial and in flash of green light transform back to Ben . Zoey and Ben walk back to Bill , Louis and Francis

Louis : You two okay ?

Zoey : Yeah , we're fine

Bill : Let move people , the more we stay here the more will dangerous for us

The group keep moving unknow to the group that a Special Infected is watching them from a shadow

To Be Counited.....


(A/N) : Guess what is next new Special Infected well show off ?!

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