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sister hijabi Cherryberrylove12 : sharing a few tips to get over sinful acts. these tricks or tips, in shaa Allah will help our brothers and sisters. relapses will occur, but in shaa Allah it is avoidable because we have been blessed with the ABILITY.

1st thing that helped me: 
i changed my lock screen wallpaper into a dua'as-
"Allahumma maghfir zanbi, wa tahir qalbi wa hasin farji" [Oh Allah forgive my sin, and Purify my heart and Guard my chastity]
"Aa'oodhubillahi min nashaitan nir rajeem" [I seek refuge in Allah from satan the accursed.]

2nd thing:
the next thing I did was monitor myself, my triggers, what precisely tempts me, and everything, during the critical moment i keep my device out of my reach, or i sit in between a crowd(so i'm not alone and am not given a chance).

3rd thing:
a cold shower. cold water is proven to weaken sexual tension. at times it is utterly uncomfortable to bathe in cold water. at odd times of the day, i splash cold water on my face

4th thing:
i undertook a '30 days no-fap'. NoFap is an anti-masturbation movement. Supporters say avoiding masturbation for prolonged periods improves their lives and sexuality. Some people may join for religious or ethical reasons, or because they worry about the effects of masturbation on their lives. masturbation ruins habits and disorients life. i too will keep on trying.

the fifth thing:
the final thing i practiced was watching informative videos. a series named Lost in Pornland'. by a scholar named Wael Ibraheem, chanel; FQE(free Qur'an education). check it out, it will help you to a certain degree. watch lots of other videos too! watch Islamic reminders, videos about death, and Here-After, the day of Qiyyamah, Jannah, and Jahannam.

i can't guarantee 100% success. But since Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has blessed us all with ABILITY to live a better life, to control, in shaa Allah we can! IF IN HIS REMEMBRANCE IS PEACE SO IS 1000% SUCCESS!! So pray to Allah from this very moment if you're neglecting, do sincere taubah, and recite istigfhar as much as you can.

May Allah make it easy for all of us to OVERCOME unhealthy habits.

peace be upon you.

peace be upon you

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السلام عليكم

niqabi here,
i request to you all who open this chapter and please make effort to follow the advice above.

please tag those who are in need of the tips. jazaki'Allah. ❤

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