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"Verily, As-Salah (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahshaa' (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed)" Surah Al-'Ankabut [29:45]


Sister; asalamualaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu dear ukhtii thank for your books they are really lovely.

Niqabi; wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu ❤
This book is a way to spread Islam, and it is a Muslim's duty to do so.

Sister; please. I want to seek a favour can you kindly write about rape, and modesty. It really is an alarming issue in my country and that is what made me contact you. There's a Muslim sister who was raped with her hijab years back. I once quoted, "thank god for hijab, it prevents raping".

"Don't be stupid I was raped with my hijab on", she responded.

She implies that even with or without hijab you can still be raped.

Jazakumullahu khayran.

Niqabi; May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala heal the heart of every girl and boy whom ever were victimised. Ameen thumma ameen.❤

That is never the case, even a child who's months old can fall prey to evil natured people. What needs to be stricter is the rules of punishments. Those who have committed such sin should be sentenced death. They should be hung to death in crowd. So another would not dare to do it. No one would dare to think about doing it. It is the people who have changed rules, they cut slack to these kind of I'll natured people. Fear needs to be installed in every single's mind that if they crave to commit such sin in return they know they have to give up on their life. And then they will never think of even doing it! There's no need to wait for months to punish those people, punish them right away they are found!

But Islamic rules have seem have to been neglected...well yes. Thieves get away after stealing, they do not fear of getting there hands being cut off. Islamic rules are perfect, because they r created by Allah. But if those who have mercy for thieves today, know that these thieves can know how to commit bigger sins like raping and etc.

Hijab. Yes Hijab does protect you from evil eyes, evil natured, and from many. Hijab surely protects you. I do not side with those who only say women must cover. No. I also SAY "boy! Lower your gaze. Both should dress modestly and both should lower their gazes." Because it will protect them from each other.

A reminder > Hijab is not Hijab when it is taken off during wedding and occasions. Hijab is not Hijab when it is easily taken of in front of non mehrams. Hijab is not Hijab when the clothes are fitted to your curves, letting people measure your body. Hijab is not Hijab when your bossom, your waist, your hips, thighs, knees, from top to bottom all are clothed yet naked. Your body is an amanah of your Lord so take care of it. Do not let it be disgraced.

Wa antum fa jazakumullahu khair

Your sister in Islam,


Sister; A very big Jazakumullahu khayran for this. May Allah reward you abundantly.

best ways to not build sexual tension

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best ways to not build sexual tension.
>Fear Allah - His punishment! ; He forbids to look at such pictures, movies, books, etc!
>Strengthen willpower by fasting. Fasting keeps such desires under control!
>Lower gaze; it will help control NAFS, before it leads to commit the haram (forbidden)!
>Repent, ask forgiveness from Allah, do good deeds, not to lose hope and feel despair!
>Finally, Allah is the Most Merciful and He always responds to whoever calls on Him!


السلام عليكم

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That is why awareness should be spread not just to be aware but to warn as well. Teachings of Islam needs to be reminded - taught as much as possible. Fear of Allah should be taught and reminded, Allah's wrath, His Punishments.

Islam is my hope to save my brothers and sisters from sinning and being harmed, and sinning to harm themselves and others.

And those who victimize or are victimzed, are fathers/ brothers /sons and mothers/sisters/daughters of someone too. Islam is for everyone. It is the way of life. Those who do this wicked act are ignorant and arrogant. They should never think they can get away with these mischievous thinking and wicked acts. ALLAH is the Hearer of all and Sees All too. His way of doing Just is incomparable.

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