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correct way;

As-salamu alaykum

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم

= peace be upon you.

incorrect ways;

Saam o alaykum = ruined be you

Assam o alikum = death come to you.

Assa e kum = plead happiness you.

Sale le kum = cursed be you.

...and so on horrifying, I've personally heard and the other person says it without guilt *chuckles awkwardly*

salama lekum

salawa lekum


*suppressess laugh*




"you who searches lyrics of songs,

 to sing assured you're not singing the song wrong,

you who is uncertain of the blessed greeting's pronunciation,

yet you keep saying it wrong without the necessary punctuations,

you're saying the salam wrong.

you're saying the salam wrong!"

*quite rhyming, ey!*


it is jumu'ah my beloveds, don't forget to recite surah kahf!

ma salamah.

Your sister in Islam,


السلام عليكم  

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السلام عليكم  

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Believe me; it feels beautiful to be able to pronounce the greeting beautifully. 

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