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"No man should be alone with a woman unless there is a mahram present." Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5233) and Muslim (1341).

A man talks to a non-mahram woman in a private chat on social media websites - is still a means that leads to fitnah (temptation) and mischief, so it is disallowed for that reason.

Seeking enjoyment in talking to a non-mehram woman and finding pleasure in listening to her/his voice and looking at her/him is not allowed. It's sinful.

So Muslim men and women should avoid such contact, unless it is for a greater religious purpose, such as asking questions of scholars, or it is for a legitimate worldly purpose, in which case the conversation should be only as much as is needed, without unnecessary chitchat and going off-topic.

So Muslim men and women should avoid such contact, unless it is for a greater religious purpose, such as asking questions of scholars, or it is for a legitimate worldly purpose, in which case the conversation should be only as much as is needed, w...

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Scholars tell us, "Dating prepares us - NOT for marriage, but for DIVORCE."
"Involved" with a person for some time, and then breaking up and going through feelings of remorse - loneliness - unhappiness. Then moving on to the next "relationship". Then another break-up, hard feelings - sadness. Then yet another series of dating, hanging out, breaking up, and so on.

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