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"Cherish yourself and your spouse. Love for the sake of Allah. Lives will be blessed. Do not be disheartened. Your Lord is The Creator of 'all'."


Intercourse should be preceded by kind words, playfulness and kisses.

When a man has intercourse with his wife, he should say: Bismillaah, Allaahumma jannibnaa al-shaytaan wa jannib al-shaytaan maa razqtanaa (In the name of Allah, O Allah Keep us away from the Shaytaan and keep the Shaytaan away from what You bestow on us (our children).

It is permissible for the husband to have intercourse with his wife in her vagina in whatever manner he wishes, from behind or from the front, on the condition that it is in her vagina, which is the place from which a child is born. Prophet(pbuh) said: From the front or from the back, so long as it is in the vagina. It is not permissible for the husband under any circumstances whatsoever to have intercourse with his wife in her back passage.

Jaabir ibn Abd-Allaah (r.a ) said: The Jews used to say that if a man had intercourse with his wife in her vagina from behind, the child would have a squint. Then this aayah(verse) was revealed: Allah says: Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth (have sexual relations with your wives in any manner as long as it is in the vagina and not in the anus), when or how you will (al-Baqarah 2:223).

If a man has intercourse with his wife and wants to come back to her a second time; he should do wudoo, because the Prophet (pbuh) said: If any one of you has intercourse with his wife then wants to repeat it, let him do wudoo between the two (actions), for it is more energizing for the second time. (Narrated by Muslim, 1/171). This is mustahabb (recommended), not waajib (obligatory).

One or both of the spouses have to do ghusl in the following situations:
Prophet (pbuh) said: When the circumcised part meets the circumcised part, ghusl becomes waajib (obligatory). (Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim, no. 526). This ghusl is obligatory whether ejaculation takes place or not. The touching of the circumcised parts means that the glans or tip of the penis penetrates the vagina; it does not mean mere touching.

Ghusl for janaabah [impurity following sexual discharge] is waajib in either of two cases: when the tip of the penis enters the vagina, or when gushing water is emitted by either the man or the woman.

It is permissible for the husband and wife to do ghusl together in one place; even if he sees her and she sees him.

It is permissible for a person who has to make ghusl to sleep and delay the ghusl until before the time of prayer, but it is definitely recommended for him to do wudoo before sleeping.

best keys to prevent engaging in haram;>keep your gaze lower your gaze! Don't look!>recite astagfhar! Repent! >remind yourself, Allah is watching!>connect with your Salah; learn about haya in Islam>try not to look at people whom are inappropriatel...

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best keys to prevent engaging in haram;
>keep your gaze lower your gaze! Don't look!
>recite astagfhar! Repent!
>remind yourself, Allah is watching!
>connect with your Salah; learn about haya in Islam
>try not to look at people whom are inappropriately clothed.


السلام عليكم
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The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: If Allah decrees that they should have a child, the Shaytaan will never harm him.

Islam teaches you to be pure and clean.

"....... . Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify(by taking a bath and cleaning and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies, for their prayers, etc.) themselves." (2:222)

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