22| return to the annoying

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I'm finally going back to school, these two last weeks have been the longest two.

I haven't seen Mattheo since that he left the morning after he came to my house which I still don't understand how.

"Aurora don't forget you've gotta leave to go to school in 20 minutes." my mum said to me as I was going upstairs.

"Yes mum i'll get ready." I'm gonna make school my bitch this trimester. I've heard some stuck up brats are joining our year, how fun more bitches that annoy me.

I put my hair up in a butterfly clip I got from my mother for my previous birthday, it is a  brown colour that matches my hair well. I take my bags and run down

 "Wow wow the stairs don't have to break down." my mom says serious and then pops a smile "haha" i reply sarcastically and she shoots me a glare I look at my watch that is nonexistant "Oh gee I've gotta go."

"Wait who is bringing you then?" I hear a sudden rustling in the trees infront of our home, the motherfuckers can't ride for shit "Lucas and Ella they're picking me up." I reply, she looks confused "With what exactly?" uhhh fuc- "Ron weasley was so kind to let us borrow his flying car."

 What else was I supposed to say? 'Yeah hey mom Alex and Blaise we're in a silly goofy mood and decided to steal it and now we're stuck with it.' yeah see how that sounds? "I've got to go tho mom, love you;" I tell her giving her a kiss on her beautiful sculptured cheekbones. "Bye honey, I love you and have fun." oh I will

I exit my house closing the door, the moment I turn around i try not to shit in my pants from laughter. Ella and Lucas are standing next to the tree while the car is in it, I walk up to them and they are giving me the 'ohoh' look.

 "Very nice show guys, great soundeffects, amazing details but we kinda have to go." I say clapping two times in my hands "That's the thing Aurora, it's stuck and not getting out of there." Lucas nods and then he shoots up with and idea i suppose.

He runs up to the tree and start pushing it, since it's a rare soft kicker tree it easy to push "No Lucas stop it'l-- a swoosh is heard and Lucas flies a few good meters away from us "kick the living shit out of you." he doesn't say anything but just grunts.

Me and Ella go help him stand up, he looks at me before speaking "Aurora, why the actual fuck would u have those trees." he asks panthing "It's for unwanted guests that try to get on our property, bozo." he clutches his heart like he's hurt .

Ella rolls her eyes "Ugh what is it with this dramaprincess again?" Lucas feels offended and walks up to Ella all sassy he takes his pointer finger and directs it at her "That's dramaQUEEN for you." he turns around and walks away to the car.

"Yeah that's right walk to the tree so u can get punched in the fucking face again by a FUCKING TREE." he turns around "No u didn't." she looks at him crossing her arms "Oh yes I fucking did." that's enough "Okay kids time to go to school." Lucas looks at me "We're not kids." I look at him raising my brows "Then fucking stop acting like one." he nods 

Once we walk back the car is out of the tree "Oh look u getting punched in the face by a tree actually helped." I say smiling, Ella snorts "I'm not apprechiated." Lucas says. We hop in the car and this time Lucas drives since apparantley it was Ella who drove the car into the tree, off to Hogwarts we go.


Lucas hid the car somewhere next to the castle and said "Well now it's a matter of fate if the car gets back to it's owner." we took our bags out and started walking towards the castle, it never seizes to dissappoint me. We walk in and see Blaise and Alex talking to each other.

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