P1- What A Fuckin Day

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Throwing my purse to the floor I kick off my black heels, head to the kitchen, pour a large glass of Merlot and then walk to my cream leather sofa and drop down onto it letting out a well earned sigh.

What a fuckin day!

I check my phone, 3 missed calls from Austin.

I roll my eyes and sip my wine, I say say sip but really I mean gulp, I gulp my wine and enjoy the warmth that spreads down my throat and through my chest warming my face and causing my tired limbs to tingle

Austin Mahone, self confessed 'man whore' he works at my office and has recently become obsessed with what he calls 'the chase'.

'The chase' it turns out, is him asking me to go out with him, me telling him no and then him ignoring the fact I ever spoke and repeating the tiresome routine day in and day out.

I click on Instagram hoping to numb my brain with pictures of fake looking celebrities and shots of what my friends are eating for dinner but instead I'm immediately met by picture after picture of Austin in a nightclub.

He's showing off the labels on his clothes and the label on the champagne bottle, pointing to the price of items on the dinner menu and I can't help but feel a little bit of vomit fill my mouth at the way he thinks this is what will change my mind. I see I'm tagged in each post and don't even 'like' the photos before I continue scrolling...


I shut down my phone and slam it down onto the sofa.

That photo...

That face...


I take another gulp of my wine only this time my hands are shaking so violently I spill some on my white work shirt


I place the glass down on my wooden coffee table with a beautiful, intricate, hand carved design and then quickly unbutton my shirt.

Walking to the laundry room in just my black bra and black pencil skirt, I throw the shirt into the basket and then head to my bedroom to change into something more comfortable, my bed lying half made in front of me provokes my memory to run riot


'Mmm, baby come back to bed'

The soft glow of the early morning sunrise caused rays of light to spill through the window and bathe his taught, toned body in light, highlighting all the dips and rises that Camila loved to run her tongue and fingers over at ever available opportunity

'I can't I have work'

'And I have a hard-on, come on, help a guy out, please????'

He reached over the bed to where his girlfriend sat, taking hold of her hand and pulling her to him


'Moaning my name like that is only leading us to one place Camila' he replied, his fingers working to unbutton the white work shirt she had just slid over her tiny frame and begun buttoning

'You know I can't be late, we have a big presentation due today'

'Yeah and you know I can't resist you' his hands pushed the shirt from her shoulders as his lips dipped to her neck

'Shawn... baby...'

'Fuck! You know I love it when you call me that'  his fingers nimbly undid the clasp on the back of her white bra, one hand peeling it from her body as his second hand took hold of the newly uncovered skin 'Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?' He asked before dropping his head and using his tongue to circle her nipple whilst his fingers teased the other one causing her to grip his hair and moan and it was the moan that let her boyfriend of two years know that he had won.

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