P11- Never Let It Be His

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'Close you eyes, no peeking'

'Shaaaaawn' the girl complained, her 18 year old boyfriend knew she hated not knowing what was going on but this was a surprise of epic proportions so he wasn't about to let her impatience spoil it

'We're almost there. Keep your eyes closed'

'If I fall because I can't see...'

'You won't fall, unless it's in falling love with me' he said chuckling loudly and then placing a kiss on the back of her ear

'You're so cheesy' she said with a happy smile on her lips

'Okay, we're here'

'Let me see, let me see!'

'Patience Camila, please, I have something to say first' he tightened his hands over her eyes, desperate that she not see anything at all until he had said what he had to say 'I know you have been really sad since your dad kicked you out and I know staying at mine isn't ideal but I want you to know I love you and I was serious when I said I wanted to take care of you so...'

With that he removed his hands from her eyes 'Ta da'

The girl blinked a few times, expecting to see something obvious but instead seeing nothing but a tall, grey apartment block

'I don't see it' She complained, turning to Shawn and gasping when she saw the silver keys he was dangling in front of her eyes

'Welcome home baby'

She wrapped her thin fingers around the cool metal and looked up into her boyfriends beaming face, he looked so proud, so anxious and she couldn't say anything. She just took the key in her hand and turned back to the apartment block as Shawns arm slid around her shoulders

'You got us an apartment?' Her voice was a stunned whisper

'I got us a home, our very first home together'

Still she just stared at the building in awe

'But how? You're 18 years old, in high school, how could you possibly afford this?!'

'I've been working with my dad' Camila missed the sudden show of shame that passed over her boyfriends face as she remained with her back to him 'I'm going to work weekends and evenings to pay for it, I promise I'm going to make this work'

Suddenly Camila turned under his arm and thee her arms around his neck 'Oh my God I love you so much' she said against his chest 'I'm going to get a job too, In a diner or a store, anything'

'No, no, no, you're gonna focus on school and get into that college you want'

'And you are too, we're going to do it all together' She turned back to the building as Shawns arms slid around her waist and he kissed the shell of her ear

'It doesn't matter if I don't go to college, I know what I want to do'

'Yeah? And what's that?' She asked from beneath a smirk, already sure of where this conversation was going

'You' He growled whilst scooping her up bridal style and running towards the entrance to the apartment block 'Let's go christen our home baby' he laughed whilst managing to kiss her whilst carrying her without dropping her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back feeling so happy and so loved and so full of excitement for their future together

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