P17- I Don't React Well To Provocation

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"What the fuck's going on Camila?" I talk directly to her, ignoring the Englishman that's still standing next to my girl, in my apartment when I had expected him to be half way back to his motherland with his tail between his legs

"Uh..." I walk past her and into my apartment, taking time to spare a look for the loser that was intended to kill

"You were supposed to ditch him and call me" I turn to face them both and shove my hands deep into the pockets of my jeans

"That was your plan was it?"

Oh he thinks we're going to have a conversation?


"So? Why didn't you call? Why's he still here?"

"We needed to talk" she looks uncomfortable so I scan my eyes over her looking for any injuries, if he's laid one finger on her I will be back in jail by lunch time


"Just what's going on"

"What's going on is you're dumping him and coming back to me"

"In your dreams pal"

I grab him by his T-shirt and push him up against the wall, our faces so close I can tell what he ate for breakfast, the sickly stink of milk still on his breath.

Cereal had better be the only thing of Camilas he's had in his mouth today

"Shawn no!" Camila grabs the sleeve of my denim jacket and when I look at her I see fear in her eyes and that stings.

I release the boy and turn back to my girl

"This was supposed to be over by now"

"It is!"

"Then why is he still here?"

"Did you really just expect me to walk away so easily? Just hand her over to you and forget about the past 5 months? All of our future plans"

I look straight into Camilas eyes, never giving him the satisfaction of having my attention but this time I do answer him "Yes" I reply "If you wanted to get out of here alive I expected you to grab your shit and go"

"Well I'm not going anywhere"

I don't react well to provocation and this guy just provoked me at the wrong fuckin time.

I grab him by the back of his neck and push him hard towards the front door

"Oh you're going. She told you it was over so you listen and you get the fuck OUT!"

We are almost at the front door when he slams his hands against the wall and turns back to Camila

"Is this what you want?" He asks "a thug? A violent criminal"

"Ex-criminal" I correct him

"Someone that only knows how to deal with things by getting aggressive?"

"This isn't aggressive, you would know if I was getting aggressive, this is me asking you nicely to get the fuck away from my girl and get the fuck out of my house. You aren't wanted here anymore"


We both look at the small brunette that is clinging to my arm and she just lowers her head and I don't want that, I don't want her to be ashamed of how she feels I want her to lift her chin, look him in the eyes and tell him it's me she wants

"Harry I'm sorry"

I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding

"I know you don't understand this and I'm sorry but I love Shawn"

"He's twisting your mind Camila! I don't know how he's done it but he's got to you. If you do this now you'll regret it forever

"If I don't go back to Shawn I will regret it forever"

"Thank you! Now get. The fuck. Out!" I release him and he looks surprised "You have five minutes, I don't want one item of yours left. Got it?!"

Thankfully he ducks his head, shakes his head disapprovingly at Camila and then begins gathering up his shit

"See how easy that was?" I grin and then wrap an arm around shoulders "You should have called me last night, I could have had him gone and you into bed in no time"

"Why do you have to be such a dick?!" She whisper yells, looking around cautiously to make sure he can't hear and she wraps her hand around my arm and pulls me into the bedroom before shutting and bolting the brown wooden door

"What are you talking about?" I kind of know what she's talking about but I feign ignorance and widen my eyes and pout my lips and I see her hard exterior begin to crack

"Why do you have to be so aggressive and possessive all the time? I was trying to let him down gently"

"Well from where I was standing you weren't letting him down at all, he should have been long fuckin gone but here he is, still in my apartment, just hanging around like a bad stink"

"First of all it's my apartment and second of all, he was my boyfriend, it was up to me how I dealt with it"

I cross my arms over my chest and she does the same and we just stare at each other, her in frustration I'm guessing and me in complete adoration

"I love you" I admit, dropping my hands back into my pockets and then widening my legs slightly so I'm a little closer to her height and then giving her a grin I know she struggles to resist

"I love you too" she admits and I close the remaining distance between us, pressing my lips to hers and just enjoying everything about this moment because when I was in jail and for moments since I was released I never thought I would have the chance to kiss this girl again

"We need to talk" she says pulling away but I take my hands out of my pockets and wrap them around her waist pulling her back to me and reclaiming her lips with mine

"Later" I tell her before kissing her again, this time taking her face in my hands and tilting it so I can deepen the kiss, loving the way her tongue moves over mine, shyly at first and then with more eagerness"

"Before sex" she manages to say as we pull away and try to take the necessary breaths to keep us alive


*just a couple of chapters left so please, if there's anything you want to know or see before the end please let me know so I can write the best ending possible

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