P20- Mine Again

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It's been two weeks since I last saw Camila.

After we both poured our hearts out in the park she asked for space, I know I'm on the brink of losing her for good so I have no choice but to do as she says and what she says is for me to stay away

The distance is killing me

Not knowing is killing me

Being so close to having her back just for her to slip from my grip once again is killing me

I want Camila

I need Camila

"Okay son, when can you start?"

I don't hear the offer the first time he makes it, my mind as always is too consumed by Camila but the second time I hear it loud and clear and embarrassingly jump to my feet in excitement

A job! I have a job!

My first step towards my new life, out from under the shadow of my dad all I need now is for Camila to let me take her with me

I shake the mans hand and thank him for taking a chance on me and he smiles like he knows me and tells me I remind him of his son, unfortunately his son never got his second chance and that thought hangs over me as I leave the building and start walking back to my dads house

What if Camila doesn't give me a second chance?

What do I do without her?

Could I even move on without her?

"Shawn!" Again it takes a second call to get my attention away from my thoughts of Camila only this time when I finally snap to the here and now the object of my obsession is sitting in the drivers seat of her black Mercedes gazing at me with a look that makes my heart drop heard into my guts and almost exit my ass

"Do you want to drive with me?" She asks as though she doesn't realise that I would go on vacation to the city sewers as long as it was with her.

I just nod and get in, fastening my seat belt and feeling like a man that's about to be driven to his execution

This isn't good

The atmosphere isn't good

The tension on her face isn't good

I'm losing her...

I'm about to lose the love of my life

"How've you been?" She asks quietly

"Shit" I reply honestly and she glances to me briefly and then back to the road "Everything's shit without you"

I wait for some response, some twitch of the mouth or glance, something, but she's not giving me anything and then suddenly she sucks in air and I wait for her to speak

"I can't stop thinking about Hector Hernandez"

"Me either" I admit keeping my gaze firmly on the passing cars, not wanting to get embroiled in this conversation again, aware of the damage it did the first time round

"He deserves justice"


"I can't turn my dad in, besides I don't have any evidence"

"It's not right that he's walking around and Hector is dead"

"I know that but life isn't fair Camila. The only fair thing that ever happened to me was you"

Again she glances at me and again it's so brief I can't read her face

"You deserve justice, you spent two years in jail and your dad didn't even spend one day"

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