P3- Spaghetti Yes, Lube No

838 81 19

One Year Later

"Oh my God Jenni stop!" She's holding up a tube of lube in the middle of the grocery store and trying to sell me the benefits of it as though she's presenting one of those really annoying infomercials, I hear an old lady calling her a 'disgrace' under her breath and I know Jenni hears it too but as usual she couldn't give a fuck what anyone thinks

"Come on Camila, don't tell you you couldn't make use of a bottle of this"


"You've been dating Harry for how long? 4 months now? Don't tell me he's never 'accidentally' put it in the wrong hole"

"Stop!" I whisper yell whilst slapping my hand over her mouth and wrestling the tube of lube from her hand and putting it on what I think is the shelf. "Come on, I need a few things, Harry's coming to dinner tonight"

Harry is my boyfriend... I guess, well we've been dating for about 4 and a half months and although he hasn't officially asked me the question I guess that's what we are, we don't see other people so I guess that makes us 'exclusive'... right?

"So other than you, what's on the menu?" Asks Jenni, packing a bag of chips from the shelf, opening them and beginning to feast like she's a starving person

"Just spaghetti, I need some..." I take the list from my pocket and a familiar scent suddenly invades my nostrils. My head snaps back and forth without my permission, looking for something...

"What's up with you?" Asks Jenni through a mouthful of chips "You're going to give yourself whiplash carrying on like that"

"Sorry I... deja vu I guess"

"Whatever. Okay, what's on the list?"

"Olive oil, basil... wine"

"Oh yes, mustn't forget the most important stuff, a little bit of wine, some of that Latin music you're always listening to but I never understand, girl throw in some spaghetti and you're going to be thanking me for that..."

She stops mid sentence as her bag of chips hit the floor

"Jenni?" I look to my friend, her eyes are wide and her mouth is hanging open, the little bit of colour she has to her pale skin visibly draining away "Are you okay?"

"What's up Jenni? You look like you've seen a ghost"

That voice...

It can't be!

I close my eyes as my heart begins battering it's self against my rib cage

"Aren't you going to say hi Camila?"

That voice again...

God how I've longed to hear it, I've dreamt of it almost every night for 2 years.

Jennies hand grips mine as I slowly turn in the direction that the voice is coming from. My entire body is trembling and all I can hear is my pulse throbbing in my head

"Shawn!" I manage to croak out and his whiskey coloured eyes burn into mine as everything else in the world falls away and once again, it's just me and him

"Spaghetti... Yes. That..." he says harshly, his face anything but amused as he reaches into my basket and lifts out the tube of lube that up until this point I had no idea I was carrying "That is a big mother fuckin no!"


It's funny how you can look forward to something so much and then when it actually happens it's nothing but a big fuckin let down

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