Taejin Part 1

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(taehyung is like in college here ig idk I cant think)


After doing a shit ton of work that day, all Taehyung wanted to do was to sleep. He had been going from studio to studio today and he was more than exhausted. He dragged his feet inside lazily closing the door behind him. He pulled down the black hoodie covering his eyes and leaned against the door letting out an exasperated sigh. These days have been beyond shitty and it seems like the weather was going along with it too. He dropped the case of beer he had bought onto the counter and kicked off his muddy sneakers into the corner. He wanted to have fun like people his age would; have zero care in the world. Lifting his chin up he eyed the bag on the counter. He had gone against his rules with beer. A full case. Just for him. He had promised himself he'd stop doing drugs and drinking but it was very tempting. God knows the power it took from him refraining from guzzling down two bottles at that very moment. Numerous thoughts gyrated his head. What was he going to work on tonight? I mean, he had no classes tomorrow. Maybe just stay in. 

Taehyung jolted up after realizing he had fallen asleep. He searched for his phone on his lap frantically, wanting to check the time. 9:43 pm. 

"Shit..." He whispered. He was supposed to finish the work for the next class since he had a horrible habit of procrastination. Finally, he found his phone lodged between the sofa and pulled it out. 

1 new message. From...


Jin. This dude huh. Absolute hotshot. He hung out with guys in his dorm day and night. They smoked a shit ton too. Taehyung found himself a bit fearful of opening the message. He sighed and slid up revealing the message Jin left.  

"Come over?"

"Is he kidding? Like I'd ever go to his shitty frat boy dorm." Taehyung thought.

He pressed on Jin's number and added him to his contacts. He wondered where he even gained access to his number. But your number is easily leaked; especially in college. Taehyung glanced at the time once again.

10:04 pm.

Taehyung slumped on the couch dreading the paper he had to do. Suddenly, a loud noise came from the dorm halls; the sound of shouts and laughter. Sounded pretty zooted. He found himself getting up to inspect the commotion. He peered through the rusted eyepiece on the door, revealing one of the members of Jin's stupid group crashing into the wall. His hair was bright orange. He sucked on a Lolipop pointing and laughing at something on the other side which Taehyung couldn't see. The boy stared at the number etched onto Taehyung's dorm involuntarily glancing at the eyepiece Taehyung was peering from. Taehyung's eyes widened quickly moving into the kitchen. Scared the shit out of him. His phone buzzed on the sofa where he'd left it, and he went to go grab it. Another text from Jin. 

"Come up already." 

Taehyung gripped his phone tightly staring hard at the floor. It wouldn't hurt if he went right? But those guys were pretty crazy. But didn't I want a break?

Taehyung shoved his phone in his pocket and briskly left his dorm.

The boys in the hall were gone and it was clear. Taehyung made his way up to Jin's dorm, finding the door cracked wide open. The smoke twisted out the crevices of the door and into the hall. Taehyung hesitated to enter after hearing the voices of many people inside. He hated speaking to people. He'd rather stay alone. A head peeped from the other side of the door, the orange-haired boy motioning Taehyung to enter. He wore a smirk on his face, warning the other inside that he was about to enter. The conversation had come to an abrupt stop, and Taehyung entered. 

The room was dim-lit, two sofas occupied fully by the rest of his friends and the low bass of music playing in the far corner. Jin raised an eyebrow at Taehyung after one of them let out a snicker. 

"Didn't think you would come." He sneered.

Well, he texted twice. He was obviously urging me. 

Taehyung stood like a lampost next to the door. He quickly realized how stupid he looked. He sat on the vacant chair across from Jin and spread his legs fairly open. 

I think this is how you're supposed to look confident... right?

Jin eyed Taehyung, inspecting him from top to bottom. He felt extremely uncomfortable. It was like being thrown in a pack of hyenas. A brown-haired boy walked up to Jin and handed him a cigarette lighting it for him. Taehyung was close to refusing, but what did he expect if he was coming here? 

"So why was I invited here? It was pretty random of you to ask me." Taehyung asked taking a drag out of his cigarette. Jin chuckled. 

"Am i not allowed?" He replied. 

"Well, there has to be a reason. I don't really hang around with you."

Jin rubbed his forehead pushing his rich brown hair back. His lips were a perfect pink complimenting his piercing eyes. He was pretty damn hot. Some of the guys had left, their attention caught on something else. The orange-haired boy Jimin lingered around, eventually dismissed by Jin. 

"Leave me alone with him for a sec."

Jimin laughed before winking at Taehyung, the sound of the door creaking closed. Taehyung was less awkward now. 

"I can't help but notice you staring at my lips," Jin mentioned teasingly. 

Taehyung's eyes darted back to his eyes, his face flushing red.

"No," Taehyung responded, trying his best to maintain posture. Jin sat up resting his elbows on his jeans and smashed his cig onto the ashtray.

"You know, I've seen you a couple of times, but it seems like you avoid me," Jin began. Gosh, he looked different without a cigarette in his mouth. That's all Taehyung saw him doing. 

"Well, I guess you're right," Taehyung responded placing his feet up next to the ashtray. Jin raised his eyebrow at the sight of Taehyung's legs up on the table.

"Bold. I like that." 

Taehyung found it fun disobeying Jin in his own dorm. Jin exuded this untouchable energy to him; one where you could never oppose him. But he wanted to see what he would do about it. You could say he was testing the waters. 

Jin stood up making his way to Taehyung. 

"You know," He said with a higher tone before kicking off Taehyung's feet off the table. "I never thought you were like this." Taehyung's eyes widened. Jin was extremely close to him, his broad shoulders hovering over him. He felt small and vulnerable at that point. It was embarrassing after doing all that just for him to simply stand over him and cause him to cower. Jin bit his lip before lowering his voice. 

"Are you...testing me?" 

Taehyung gulped. 

Jin sighed and leaned in to kiss Taehyung, his body completely frozen. He let Jin dominate the kiss, unable to do anything back. What was going on. 

Taehyung began to feel extremely hot, gripping his hands on the bottoms of the seat. He felt Jin smirk into the kiss.

"At least kiss back," Jin whispered, tracing his hand down Taehyung's abdomen. 


Taejin smut next chap sorry LMAO 

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