Road Trip

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I was packing everything while Leo helped. I was excited, but also very nervous. I've never really traveled anywhere, and now I'm going all the way to Arizona with Leo. I felt Leo touch my shoulder as I snapped out of my thoughts. "Hey, you alright?" He spoke softly. I took a deep breath. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little anxious is all." I said while looking down at everything I packed. Leo chuckled. "Yeah I'm like that sometimes when I travel. But it'll go away as we go." He said. That was actually pretty comforting, I was glad I was going with him. He kissed my cheek and we continued packing. After packing I locked up everything in the house since Justin was staying with a friend. Me and Leo walked to the car as I felt my anxiety kind of go away knowing I was going with him. I threw my things in the trunk and made my way to the passengers seat As Leo started the car. He sighed and looked at me, "are you ready?" He asked while holding my hand and rubbing his thumb on mine. I nodded and he smirked as he started driving. We continued down the road while listening to music and singing together, cringey I know. Leo pulled into a gas station to grab us a couple waters and snacks. As Leo was walking in his phone started going off, it was his Dad. I hesitated, but picked it up and spoke. "Hello?" I answered. There was a pause. "Hello? Who is this?" He asked confused. "My name's Maya" I said hesitantly. His tone changed from confused to, happy. "oh you're his girlfriend" he said smiling thru the phone which made me smile as well. "yes I am." I answered happily. His dad chuckled, "well hello Maya, is Leo around?" He asked. "Um no, he's in a gas station right now sorry." I replied. He sighed. "Okay that's alright, just tell him we need to talk when he has time. It's important." He said. I said I would then we hung up. All of a sudden I remembered the phone call from a week ago. I still don't know what he meant when he said he hasn't told "her" yet. I tried to shake it off, but I couldn't. Suddenly the car door opened and Leo jumped in. I jumped slightly in response as Leo laughed. "sorry didn't mean to scare you." He said grinning. I smiled and smacked him. He handed me the bag of snacks and drinks and sat down. I thought for a second, should I tell him about the call or wait? I decided to just tell him. "So, your dad called while you were in there." I said while grabbing a bag of chips. He looked at me. "did you answer it?" He asked. I nodded. "What did he say?" He asked kinda worried. I was confused as to why he was worried. "he just said there's something you guys need to talk about and it's important." He sighed with relief. "Why are you so worried?" I asked confused. "I'm not worried. I just wanted to know." He said. "You sounded worried." I replied. "Maya, I'm not okay. Can we please just talk about something else?" He said. I sighed and looked away. "Sure." I said while looking out the window. I could feel him looking at me but I didn't look at him. I just feel like he's hiding something from me and I wanna know what it is. I heard him sigh. "Maya please don't get upset with me. I'm sorry I just don't wanna talk about that right now." He said while tucking my hair behind my ear. I turned to him, "okay but when are you gonna wanna talk about it. Why are you so nervous that I talked to your dad?" I asked. He was looking at the road and back at me. "Listen, I promise we'll talk about it. But right now I just wanna enjoy our trip together, okay?" He said. I can't even stay mad at him, he's too cute and he looked so tired. I sighed. "okay, fine. I'm sorry." I said. We kept driving for a while and had the radio up while singing songs together and laughing. I never wanted this to end. Eventually we had to stop for the night, there was a hotel up the road. I've never actually stayed at a hotel so this was kinda new. We payed for a room and it was actually really nice, I always pictured hotels to be trashy or uncomfortable. I changed into a T shirt and underwear before laying down next to Leo. I was honestly really tired, but I felt restless at the same time. I don't know what was keeping me up, maybe my thoughts. I got into bed after brushing my hair and changing. Leo smirked when I got into bed. "What?" I asked kinda smiling. He shook his head, "nothing." He said while looking away. I ran my fingers through his hair while laying on my side facing him. He pulled me closer and rubbed his nose against mine gently. I felt his hand travel up my thigh. I moved closer and locked our lips together. He deepened the kiss and pulled me closer til there was no space between us. I pulled him down on top of me as I smiled into the kiss making him smile as well. He kissed down my neck as I ran my hands through his hair leaning my head back. My legs wrapped around him, his weight on top of me. This was my favorite feeling, him against me and just us in the world, like we're the only two people. I could stay with this with him forever.

I woke up to the muffled sound of talking. I rolled over to realize Leo wasn't in bed. I got up and started to realize where the talking was coming from, outside. I looked out the window to see Leo talking on the phone. He looked focused and kinda frustrated. I didn't wanna eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it after I heard my name. I sat next to the window and listened.

Leo: I can't tell Maya yet. I know I have to tell her, but not tonight. I don't want anything to change, I'm gonna tell her just not yet ok?

I sat and thought about what he could mean. Of course my thoughts went to the worst case scenario. What if he's cheating? What if he cheated? What if he doesn't love me? I really was overthinking. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the knob to the door turn. I froze and sat there looking at the door when it opened and Leo came around the corner. He looked at me and froze as well. "h-hey" he said half smiling. "Hey" I replied. "What were you doing out there?" I asked even though I knew he was talking to someone. "Just talking to my dad" he said. "Oh. What were you guys talking about?" I asked trying not to sound nosey. "Not much. Just asked about us and the trip." He replied. "Oh." I said. I knew that was a lie, or at least half a lie, he's hiding something. I got up slowly to walk towards the bed before he stopped me. "Actually, that's not all we were talking about...there's something I haven't told you." He said. My heart started pounding...


~sorry for taking a little bit to update, just been a little busy lately. I'll try to update more❤️

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