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A few weeks went by and Jason hasnt been bothering me surprisingly. Me and Leo have been getting closer day by day, but I don't think he wants to be more than friends. I walked into my house after getting home from school, I was so tired and just wanted to go to bed. Suddenly I heard a noise in my moms office area, I thought it was just justin so I went in there to ask what we should have for dinner. "Hey justin, what should we have fo-" I paused and looked up. It wasnt justin, it was mom. I was surprised because mom wasnt supposed to get back til at least one more week. I just stood there looking at her and didnt really know what to say. She stared back at me waiting for me to say something, but I didnt so she broke the silence. "Hey Maya, I missed you." She said while walking to me to hug me. I hugged her back still not knowing what to say. "Umm hey mom, what are you doing home?" I asked confused while looking around at her office. The papers were actually organized into piles and not everywhere. Also there weren't a lot of papers like usual, it was just so clean and organized. "Actually, my boss gave me the week off. I dont have to work til next week, which gives us more time together. I'm sorry we havent spent a lot of time together recently." She said while smiling but looking down. I put my hand on her hand, "no it's okay mom, I know you're just trying to keep up with all the bills and stuff. So does Justin, we dont blame you." I said. Mom smiled and wrapped her arm around me as we walked out of her office and into the kitchen. The rest of the night went great, mom made dinner for the first time in forever, we sat and talked for the longest time about memories and recent things that have happened. Justin was smiling way more than I had seen him smile since mom had been gone at work. It just felt like a full house again, it felt like home. I layed down in bed while remembering I have school tomorrow and rolling my eyes. I sighed while picking up my phone and checking my messages since I had it on silent for most of the night. I had three new messages. From Leo, "hey, just wanted to call and talk for a bit, so call me whenever you're free ok?" Another one from Leo, "hey again, I know you're busy but I just miss talking to you even if we did just talk yesterday." And last one from.. Jason. "Just remember, Leo cant protect you forever." I sat my phone down and rolled my eyes. Jason really needs to let me go, I dont understand why he keeps bothering me. I decided to call Leo because I felt overwhelmed. It rand a few times but he finally picked up. "Hey" I heard him say and honestly it made me feel happy to hear his voice. "Hey, I'm sorry I've been busy all day." I apologized. "It's okay, what have you been up to today?" He asked. "Well my mom came home tonight, so we all got caught up and now she gets a week off to spend with me and my brother." I said while smiling to myself. "Oh, that's good." Leo sounded a little upset but I didnt know what he would be upset about. "What's wrong?" I asked. I heard Leo sigh, "well I was gonna see if you wanted to come over tomorrow so we could study again. But I dont wanna interrupt your time with your mom, you havent seen her in a while." He said. I thought for a second about what to say. "Well, maybe you could come over here. My house isn't really as big as yours, but I can help you study." I said teasingly while smirking. I could tell he was smirking through the phone. "You sure I wouldn't be intruding?" He asked. "No Leo, you wont be intruding on anything. And dont worry about my dumbass brother, we'll just study in my room where he wont be." I said while laughing slightly. I heard Leo slightly chuckle, I hate to admit it, but his laugh is pretty attractive. "Alright, it's a date then. Or I mean, a study date." He said while correcting himself. I chuckled and layed my head back trying to relax. Then I remembered the stupid message I got from Jason. Should I tell Leo? I paused while thinking about it. "Hey you okay?" Leo said with concern. "Yeah I'm alright. Sorry, just thinking about a message I got earlier." I said while rubbing my forehead. "Why what happened?" Leo sounded worried. I paused again, I was very hesitant on if I should tell him or not. I sighed, "okay. Well I got a voicemail from Jason earlier. He just said that I wont always be protected by you." I waited for Leo to respond. I could tell he was upset because it was a tense silence. "Hes wrong. and Maya, if he ever threatens you or tried to hurt you, please let me know." Leo sounded really mad. "Yes Leo I will. But i better go to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I sighed. "Alright Maya, goodnight." I hung up and set my phone down. Right as my head hit the pillow I drifted into a deep sleep.

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