7. More Than Just A Pretty Face

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Alyssa asked me why I have the same style as her and all I could say is

"Uhm...Well. Coincidence? I guess?" I awkwardly answered.


Where and how do I begin to tell you?


It all happened when few months passed after I became a nanny for the Bren family and to their son Max Bren. I take Max to the park every now and then. Especially when the flowers are in full bloom. He likes roses so much. It brings him comfort. It's his late mom's favorite flower. Max and I were always accompanied by others to ensure that Max is safe and knowing that he came from a wealthy family, others might try to do something against him.

While Max is busy looking at flowers and being entertained by butterflies. I saw a woman walk in our direction. I was amazed, almost baffled by how mesmerizingly beautiful she is. She's got to be the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. I mean..how could you not stare? She exudes beauty, intelligence, and grace. She embodies a truly refined lady. She seems kind, gentle, and compassionate. She has long wavy brown hair, light green eyes, and fair skin. Her dress sways with the wind as she walks. She gives such a radiant aura.

How can this possibly be a human? Who was I compared to her? I wouldn't even want to stand next to her, but seeing her and knowing we exist at the same time somehow made me feel blessed. To breathe the same air as her. Even though we are nowhere on the same level.

We were in the garden and yet every flower fails by comparison to her beauty. No one and nothing comes near. From that moment her face was forever engraved in my mind. Her beauty became the inspiration for my look today. After becoming an instant billionaire, with the help of Mateo and Curtis, after 4 years I completely transformed and was trained to be the Emi Bauman I am today. The billionaire CEO of Bauman Corp.

-End of flashback-

Hence, the reason why I have the same look and style as her. The beauty that inspired me from the moment I saw her. And I'm in awe, my eyes couldn't believe that I saw her again. Only this time... I wanted to know more than just her face, but also her name.

I wanted to tell them how I knew her, but I just couldn't. I wanted to keep it to the world. It will remain my secret. I was just going to come up with a random answer to why I happen to look the same as her until...

The beautiful woman went in front and was being congratulated by people.

Li Fei.

"It's her! That's Li Fei!!" Milko said.

"I have to go." Something got to me. But I know the real reason why. I want to know more about her. Something so compelling tells me I need to know her.

"Emi!" Milko said as both he and Alyssa looked at me as I walked away.

I couldn't just trust anyone with what I want to happen, but I know the perfect person for this task. I took out my phone from my purse and called his number. He quickly picked up.

"Mateo. I need you to do something for me."


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