29. Marry Me

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After I talked to Curtis, I've decided to go through with our plan. To take revenge on the Mortenson's. I will go to Anthony's upcoming birthday party and finally reveal myself after acquiring their properties.

We are reaching the climax. Everyone worked hard to make it all possible.

It seems like I don't have much time left. After finding out about everything that happened between Curtis and David, it's understandable why he felt that way. The grudge he has been holding on to for years.

Maybe this is for the best...

I've been distracted a lot lately. Elizabeth has been on my mind.

I need to see her.

Only then can I decide what to do...

With these weird feelings..

What am I even thinking?

After listening to Curtis all I can think about is her. I don't know why. But her face just keeps on popping in my head.

I have to sort this out.

This coming weekend, I'll be seeing her. Only then will I know.

The weekend quickly came.

Everything happened as usual. Elizabeth and I sat next to each other during the art class. I have always wondered why Elizabeth is here as a student, with her talent alone, I believe she can hold her own art class.

I watch as Elizabeth focus at her piece.

At first, I only went here to gain information and know more about Anthony's whereabouts. In the end, I loved my time here. Being with Elizabeth made me discover a part of myself that even I didn't know.

I didn't know I'd have the patience and creativity in me. This world that I'd never dream of venturing made possible after meeting Elizabeth.

I've always thought I had no talent for this things. But she has inspired me to be better.


Elizabeth is now my friend. But why do I feel so intensely drawn to her? What's wrong with me?

Could it be...?

No. I've never dated a girl before. It's impossible. I'm sure whatever I feel for her is just mere admiration... right?

Elizabeth turned her gaze on me and I froze and took a long sigh. I was sitting while facing my artwork.

She stood up and put both her hands on my shoulders. I tensed up.

Too close.

Is it me or there's suddenly no air here? That's not possible.

Thank heavens I'm seated. I think I'd grow weak if she comes any closer to me now.

"You did great!" She said whispered to my ear.

I felt like I'm blushing. I lift my head and looked at her.

She bent down and moved closer.

"What are you.." I asked. Elizabeth got closer and suddenly blew something off my face.

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