22. The One Who Is Always Loved

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Emi POV:

Milko stared at Alyssa waiting for her response. I felt like I came across a scene which I'm not supposed to see. They looked like they were in the middle of an argument. The silence was finally broken when Alyssa spoke.

"So..Emi. We already ordered food, I hope you don't mind. The usual dish you like. Feel free to change or pick other things."

Milko remained tight lipped.

Just what happened between these two?

The tension was suffocating. I've seen Alyssa and Milko bicker every now and then, but not to the point where the mood is completely off.

"I'm just going out real quick, I need to make a call." Alyssa said.

I nodded while looking at Milko, trying to read the expression in his face. I waited for Milko to say a word. I didn't want to pry. I was fine with ignoring the subject. I didn't want to make it more awkward for him. There has been a moment of silence. As if he was waiting for everything to settle down and figure his own thoughts.

"Alyssa..." Milko said and he paused. Contemplating whether he has the strength to continue saying the remainder of his sentence.

"Alyssa's engagement to Henry...It's going to push through. They will get married by the end of this year." He said with a bittersweet smile on his face.

I swear at that moment I saw what sadness looked like. It was like Milko has been trying to hold back his tears. This side of him I've never seen before. He was always cheerful, outgoing, friendly, he's really out there.

So what do you do when a person who shines bright as the sun turns cold, like an empty room with walls that has the darkest paint, no light can no longer reach nor penetrate?

For a moment, it was hard to believe that this Milko is the same Milko I've known. Milko and Alyssa has always been the closest ever since they were kids, even before I met the two of them. There's no place Milko would be, and no place Alyssa would go to unless one of the other isn't present. With their close bond, you would think that Milko would be the happiest for her.

Since Milko has always dated guys, it wouldn't have mattered if Alyssa gets married. It's not like they have a history or anything? Although, I remember Milko did say he only dated 1 girl in his life.


Could it be...?

The only girl he ever dated?

"Milko..hold on. Uhm.. I have a question. Remember when you told me before that you never had a girlfriend, but you did date someone before. Was it..Alyssa?" I asked.

Milko looked surprised. Like he wasn't expecting me to say that at all. He quickly looked away and glanced at his trembling hands placed on the table. He moved it away as he stared at my face with a halfhearted smile forming in his lips, confirming the answer to my question.

Milko's POV:
( A/N: the following would be told in the perspective of Milko)

I arrived at the meeting place 30 mins early than expected. It was our favorite restaurant. Alyssa and I would always go there. But since befriending Emi, the three of us would hangout there every chance we get.

I was looking forward to seeing Alyssa...and Emi too. Well..Alyssa more than ever, of course. It's just like..Alyssa has been avoiding me for some reason. I know Emi has been busy, but it feels different coming from Alyssa. She always make time for me. Regardless of how busy she has become. I wonder what's up this time?

I sat there at the reserved seats we have. Feeling a little fidgety. I touched the small tattoo at the back of my arm for comfort.

There you are. I feel more at ease.

Alyssa came wearing a midi nude toned silk dress. I was happy with her choice. I've always told her those colors make her stand out even more. Trying to look as minimalistic as possible. Very polished yet really chic. She was wearing barely any make up nor accessories.

Alyssa has always been simple, but to me she has always been the prettiest.

She smiled as soon as she saw me. Not too much,to the point that it shows how excited she was to see me but also not too timidly to make me feel as if she didn't want to be here. She smiled enough to make me feel welcomed. I waved at her right away.

I stood up and help her get seated. She smiled and thanked me.

"I hate it when you do that." She said with a smile on her face.

"Sure." I said with a funny expression on my face.
"Stop." Alyssa said suppressing laughter escaping from her mouth.

"So..what's up?" I said. Moving close to her. She was holding her phone typing a message to Emi.
"One sec. Just letting her know we are here." She answered. I nodded, letting her know to go ahead. She sent the message and set her phone aside.

"Henry and I will proceed with the wedding." Alyssa said as if it was the most normal thing to say. I couldn't say anything. It's like words couldn't come out of my mouth.

"We will be getting married by the end of the year. We don't know yet if we will be doing the wedding overseas or in one of their estates in Malibu. Maybe we will even do both. They really want to push through with it as soon as possible." Alyssa said looking straight at my face with no expression whatsoever in her voice.

The only reply I could muster softly was the word


"You heard me. Henry and I will get married as soon as possible. I might move overseas too after a few months of sorting everything out here, then I will be leaving this country with Henry." She continued.

I felt my world crumble. I wanted to cry, but no tear could even escape from my eyes.

I just sat there quietly, with my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Of all the danger this world  could have, who knew words can hurt the most? Truly, the tongue is the sharpest weapon.

"What? Iko, please say something. Aren't you happy for me?" Alyssa said with a concerned look in her face.

What do you even want me to say?

That if you cut open my heart it would say...

Alyssa, you're the only one I've ever loved?

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