16. My Salvation

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Elizabeth only stayed at the cafe with me for almost an hour, she left due to the prior work she has to finish. As soon as she left, Mateo went up to me and sat down in front of me.

"So...how was it? Did you learn anything about Anthony and their family business?" He asked leaning forward looking at me with curious eyes.

"Not much. I didn't want to make it seem like I'm too interested in Anthony. You know? It's too early. Although...." I paused as I thought about what had just happened a while ago.


"Is it your first time here, Lily?" She quickly glanced at me as she holds the menu of the cafe. I almost didn't respond to her because I forgot that Lily was my name that I told her about.

"Uh..yeah. This is my first time. I've only been into painting recently. And seeing how focus you were in the paint section, I figured maybe you're also into painting like me." I replied.

"Yes. Painting is actually my first love. My salvation." She answered.

Your salvation huh..? Elizabeth sounds like the type of person to wear her heart in her sleeves.

"Hmm..I see. Do you perhaps have an inspiration? Love? Maybe? A boyfriend? You're beautiful after all." I asked trying to give her a chance to talk about Anthony.

"Oh..Well, honestly..I don't really talk about this to anyone. So, you'll be one of the very few people to know about this." Elizabeth replied.

"Oh..you don't have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable." I answered.

"No, I feel comfy saying this. It feels funny, but it seems like I have met you before." Elizabeth gave me a warm smile.

How beautiful can you be...?

"Oh, believe me. This is the first time you saw me. For sure." I replied. Hoping I didn't sound so desperate trying to cover things up, that we did in fact met a long time ago.

How could I ever forget you, Elizabeth? Your beauty is a sight to behold.

"It must be. But, to answer your question earlier, what inspired me to paint is when I saw this woman before. She was just...existing. Just standing there. Not doing anything, but be herself. She just stood there enjoying the scenery in front of her. It was a memory that I hold with me up until this day. Although, I was never able to see her face. It was enough. I wanted to capture that moment, I may not have a camera with me at that time, but as soon as I got home I asked for the biggest canvas and painted that scene as best as I can remember. And that is how...I started painting."

I couldn't help but stare at Elizabeth as she say those words. Somehow, what she described reminded me of the very first time I saw her.

I wonder who the woman Elizabeth was talking about? How was she able to capture the attention of the lovely Elizabeth?

"Oh.. we always find inspiration around us I guess. I thought maybe it was a lover that inspired you. I guess I was wrong." I said. I continued staring at Elizabeth as she take a sip. I've been waiting for her to open up about her love life. I wanted to ask her about Anthony. There's no denying what I saw. She really is Anthony's new girlfriend.

"I find inspiration everywhere. I volunteer in charities and organizations that needs an extra hand. You see faces and experiences, it helps you paint a story. I believe a good painter is a great storyteller. I want to be able to paint something that will move people. A painting that will make people feel. That is my greatest dream." She enthusiastically said. Her eyes was full of life. It was beaming with excitement, innocence, and hope. Elizabeth is the kind that inspires and makes you wish for a better tomorrow. Because that is what she deserves.

Elizabeth, I guess I can also say that you are an art. Because you move me. You make me feel...things. That even I don't understand.

I came here ready to hurt her, provoke her, and ask her about Anthony. But I guess I will be going home today feeling like my entire life has been changed.

And it was all because I was blessed enough to have met her..


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