26. A Ghost From The Past

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Just like that, it was almost time for Elizabeth's birthday.

A day before her birthday, she held an art gallery collection for the public using the name she uses as the painter Li Fei. I asked Mateo to once again accompany me. In which, he happily accepted.

I wore an off white asymmetrical sleeveless taffeta dress while Mateo wore a grey turtle neck with black polo soft linen suit jacket and white trousers.


I thought to myself. Mateo assisted me as we walk downstairs. There are people from different walks of life admiring each art by Li Fei. Mateo was soon approached by a colleague of his. He excused himself, so I decided to walk around for a bit.

I checked out the exhibit. Each painting shows different emotions. How amazing Elizabeth truly is. How her art was able to capture the very heart of humanity.

I walked further to a more busy area of the gallery hoping to catch a glimpse of the artist herself, Elizabeth. I ended up on a crowded place as more people gathered around the most recent art piece by Elizabeth. In the midst of the crowd, I accidentally bumped into someone.

I quickly turned around.

Those broad shoulders...

It cant be..

I stare at him as he walk towards the opposite direction. I can't be wrong. I haven't seen him this close to me for so long but I can't be wrong. I know even the back of his hands.

I followed him and watch him from afar.

What do I do? Where is Mateo when I need him? Think, Emily, think... Do I confront him? Do I say something...?

After thinking for a while, I came to a conclusion. I went on the opposite side of the gallery. In between walls of paintings. Far enough to confuse Anthony, but near enough for him to see a glimpse of my face.

He was surrounded by 3 other people. I continued to stare at him and waited for him to notice me. He felt the gaze I was giving him and he turned to face exactly at my direction.

"Elizabeth?" I saw him mouth her name with a confused look in his face.

It's no wonder Anthony confused me with Elizabeth. After all, we dress the same, and have the same look and hairstyle. Elizabeth kept the same style she did when I first saw her.

I smiled at Anthony and quickly walked away when I saw him start to approach me. I purposely went along the crowd to confuse him even more.

I felt something good within me. It felt fun toying around with Anthony. I know if that was me, I'd be confused too.

I left and soon found Mateo. His colleague left as well so I was able to finally talk to him.

"Ah there you are." He said.

"Just in time. You wont believe what I just saw. Hurry. I'll tell you on our way out." I said as I held Mateo's arm leading him to the exit.

"What's up? Have you already seen Elizabeth? Why are you in a rush?" He asked. I stopped walking and said

"I saw Anthony. I smiled at him when he seem to recognize me. We weren't able to talk because I quickly left. I didn't want to give him a chance to have a conversation with me. I just wanted to confuse him. Like how on earth can I be here when I'm supposed to be somewhere else?"

"Are you okay...?" Mateo asked with concern. I just smiled bitterly and continued walking. We were at the parking lot when I saw a scene I didn't know I would see again.

Elizabeth and Anthony walking side by side.

When I saw them for the first time before I couldn't describe the pain I felt. It was my first time seeing Anthony after a long time and with another woman. But this time it felt different.

Painful? Sure. But it feels different now since Elizabeth is my friend. And I...

I used to feel Elizabeth doesn't deserve Anthony. That's what I thought prior to getting to know her. But after learning more about Elizabeth, now I can say the opposite.

Anthony doesn't deserve Elizabeth. She is too pure. Too amazing, too beautiful, too brave. He will never deserve her. Not in a million years.

I thought they got together due to business reasons. That might be true. But looking at them walking together, laughing, engaging in a conversation. I felt something deep down that even I couldn't comprehend.

Hatred? Jealousy? Self-loathing?

I genuinely want to be the one standing next to Elizabeth. She's my dear friend.

That's it. They have to break up.

I'll make sure of it.


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