~ ~ Oh, Baby ~ ~

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~ ~ Gabriele ~ ~

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~ ~ Gabriele ~ ~

Jake looked at me like I'd gone crazy and then returned his attention back to Al. "Don't think you're taking him for a ride again, sweetheart, not happening."

"Is that mine?" I diverted his attention, coming from behind the bar, pointing at my coffee. "Al, go through to the office, I'll be there in second."

She glared at Jake, huffing but headed towards the office. "Chill man, I got this."

He passed me my drink. "Fucking chill Gabe? Jesus. Please tell me it's not yours. In fact, I know it's not yours, no matter what that crazy bitch says."

"I can hear you; you know!" spat Al.

"Yeah, well, I wasn't aiming for subtle sweetheart," he shouted back.

Blowing out a puff of air. I just wanted to get this over with. "I said chill. And no, the baby isn't mine. She's already said I'm not the father. I'm just gonna listen her out and then she'll be on her way."

He grunted. "I know you Gabe, you're a decent human being and fall for any sob story. You'd give someone your last dollar." He rubbed his hand across his forehead. "But I'm warning you, give that one an inch and she'll take a fucking mile."

He wasn't wrong; I had forgiven Al more times that I could count for the trouble she'd got herself into.

He continued. "And don't go fucking up what you have with Jenna for that." Pointing towards the room, where Al waited.

I squeezed his shoulder. "Jake, I appreciate you having my back man, but I'll be fine." He threw me a doubtful look. "Make yourself useful and finish stocking up for me."

"Cheeky mother- It's my day off," he shouted as I made my way to our office, closing the door behind me.

Al was already sitting on the sofa, rubbing over her stomach.  "I'm sorry. I don't want to cause any trouble." She looked towards the door. "I know how Jake feels about me. He's never hid it."

"Yeah, but you didn't come here to talk about Jake." I placed my coffee down on the table, propping my ass on the edge, folding my arms. "So, what can I do for you?"

"I know you hate me, Gabe. And I don't blame you...and I deserve it if you tell me to go to hell."

"I don't hate you Al. I've had many feelings over the years, but never hate." That was true. "What is it you want? Money?" She looked tired, the dark circles under her eyes stood out against the paleness of her skin.  I didn't think I'd ever seen her without makeup.  And although I had no feelings for her. I felt sorry for her unborn son.

"I just need help to get on my feet. I wouldn't ask..." She played with her fingers. "The doctor's surgery where I've been temping - They have promised me a job when he's born, but that's in three months."

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