Chapter One: A Start

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Word count: 1k


Tommy didn't live the best life. He was abandoned by his parents when they couldn't afford to take care of him anymore. And the orphanage they left him at was literal hell. Years of scars littered his body from the abuse he suffered living there. It wasn't until age twelve when he decided to run; he took what little items he had and ran off, determined to start a new life.

Naive to the world around him he took up begging, hoping to gain sympathy from the passerby. Hoping that there was kindness outside the walls of that horrid place. But no, what little hope he had was soon crushed by eyes that never looked his way and looks of disgust when they did.

On the day he actually managed some earnings (only a few coins) he happily walked to the nearest market to buy at least something to fill his stomach. Weeks of scraps only left his belly painfully empty.

While on the way he was stopped by a group of kids older than him. They accused him of stealing the money. Despite his pleas that he didn't, cruel hands grabbed him and pinned him down, beating him all while he was begging for mercy. The boys took his coins and gave one last kick to his ribs, laughing all the while, then walked away.

It was when he recovered the decision he would pickpocket and steal from then on became his new goal. He picked it up fairly quickly, and when he failed his long legs would take him far. Nobody could catch him.

This continued until one fateful day he tripped while running and was again beaten to ruins, and his loot taken back. He laid on the cold cobblestone of the alley and with a couple of ragged breaths he lost consciousness.

When he awoke he had found himself in an entirely new environment atop a tattered bed. Instead of the alleyway he normally called home he was in what seemed like an abandoned shelter of sorts. The walls were bare and peeling and the roof had holes. The windows were cracked and the air was stale. Though, better than the rot he was accustomed to.

Startled by the new environment he sat upright and instantly regretted it. Pain enveloped his body and he let out a loud groan. Almost immediately after, he heard footsteps come from outside the door. It was opened and a mop of brown hair peaked through, and then a face.

"Hi! I'm Tubbo. You must be a bit confused as I kind of dragged you off the streets without your permission and all that," Tommy blinked. The newly named Tubbo seemed to have taken this as permission to proceed and continued. "I saw you all hurt and bleeding in that alleyway and it wasn't in my conscience to just leave you there," he said. Tommy nodded, too shocked to really care.

And that's when the 'clingy duo' hit it off. Tommy stayed for a while to heal and in that time they bonded, quickly becoming friends. From then on they lived a life of crime; they stole and sold their loot in other towns, careful not to end up in vampire territory of course, and eventually settled down in a small apartment when they had enough saved up.

They both got real jobs and lived peacefully. Tommy got a job as a cashier at a bakery, and Tubbo a job as a barista at a local cafe. And they lived like this, happy, until they got involved with both the Sleepy and Ram covens, then shit hit the fan.


It was the morning and Tommy was sleeping peacefully. That is, until someone decided to draw the curtains of their dingy apartment. Harsh rays of sunlight violently roused the blond from his slumber and he rose with a groan, fingers rubbing against his tired eyes.

"What the fuck Tubs, it's too early for this shit," he grumbled, eyes squinting up to the other boy.

"It's three p.m Tommy. We may be off of work but I won't let you sleep this late." He paused. "Besides, Wilbur called. He wanted to meet with you today at 5 for a 'surprise' as he put it." Tubbo said, chuckling. "He seemed pretty excited about it too, I'd reckon you wear your best."

Tommy stuck his tongue out at Tubbo as he finally left the bed, albeit stumbling a bit. "What are you? My mum?" he mocked.

"If you keep your shit up then yes," the brunette fired back, throwing a towel at Tommy. "And take a shower too, you stink," he added.

Tommy scoffed and took the towel into his hands. "C'mon big man, I don't smell that bad," he said and took a whiff of his underarm. His face scrunched up. "Ok maybe I do but you don't have to fuckin' tell me like that," he ended.

Finally awake and alert Tommy noticed that instead of the usual pajamas, Tubbo was fully dressed. He furrowed his brows and Tubbo seemed to understand his confusion.

"Oh! Mr. Schlatt invited me over to his place to eat in a bit." addressed Tubbo. Tommy only raised his brow.

"Him again? I swear if he turns out to be a pedo or sum shit I won't be surprised. You know them rich bastards are always creepos," Tommy responded. The other boy made a noise.

"Ew, no! If anything he's more like a father figure -or sometimes- a nagging mother," Tubbo smiled. "Anyways I gotta go. Wilbur said he would pick you up so be ready." The brunette then flashed a grin, gave a mock salute, and walked out the door.

After the click of the door Tommy got up to get ready. Tommy beamed. Going out with Wilbur was always a blast and knowing the older man this surprise was going to be something real good.

After showering, instead of his usual red and white t-shirt and jeans, he opted to wear the coat and jeans Philza had gifted him after the man worried he didn't have much to wear. Tommy chuckled to himself. That old librarian was too kind for his own good.

Looking at the clock that sat on the wall, Tommy determined he had a while and flopped on the couch, flipping through the channels on TV.


Ummmm how does writing work?

This is my first so don't judge too hard. That is, if anyone ever reads this cringe.


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