⭐️ 4 ⭐️

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So basically, this is a continuation of the last chapter that I just couldn't finish.

I won't say that im back, but I have been working on chapters for this one and other books I got.
Thank you if you're here and sorry for the long wait.💕

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"No.. he's right, not a single guard since we've walked in, it's quite here.. too quite" you said.

The silence and the darkness was very concerning. You came closer to your brother.
"Cesar... somethings not right" you whispered to him.

"Whoa! Hey! I just stepped in something" Yelled Joseph.

As mark shined the light on the floor, you saw what Joseph stepped in. It was all body's of the dead soldiers that were supposed to be guarding the place.

"N-No way! They are all dead!" Yelled mark and he went into a panic.
He dropped his light and tried to run for the exit.

"W-wait! Mark! Stay with us!" You yelled for him, but then he was stopped by 3 large men.

"The pillar men.." you spoke softly with fear in your voice.

"they are awake!" Yelled Cesar with courage and anger.
"Get out of there Mark!" He yelled.

Before anyone could do anything, marks body was in half by just a dump on the shoulder by one of the Pillar men.

Cesar rushed to his side.
While mark was in pain, Joseph was pissed.

"They're completely unbothered by us! He walk right passed mark like nothing, as if stepping on an ant!" Said Speedwagon.

"Cesar! Kill me! Kill me please!" Cried Mark.
"I-I can feel the pain worsen with each second! I'm so scared. I was numb at first, but the pain.." he said softly.

"Cesar!" You yelled for your brother.

With a hand on marks head, you looked into Cesar eyes.
"He's in pain brother.. we can't do anything to help but to grant his wish.." you said softly.

"Please Cesar.." said mark.

With tears in his eyes, both you and Cesar used Hamon to let mark pass away with a painless death.

"Thank you, Cesar.. y/n.." was Marks last word.

"Mark!" Cesar cry over his death.
"He was just a kid.. he loved his family and his girl, he was a good hard working soul" With each word, anger grew between you, your brother and Joseph.

"Cesar!" Said Joseph.

"Jojo! Stand back, i'll avenge him!" He said.
"You too y/n, I already lost a friend, I'm not going to lose you too"

"I'm not a kid anymore, I can help you!" You said as you had your gun ready.

"I must avenge him!" He said as he ran off.
"Bastards! Turn around and face me! Hamon bubble launcher!"

With his Hamon running though the bubbles, the pillar men thought nothing of it until one of them touched it.

"This.. couldn't be" said one the pillar men.

Fly me to the moon (Joseph Joestar x reader)Where stories live. Discover now