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After the fight, everyone returned home. You changed out of your bloody clothes and into a simple T-shirt and sweats. you can hear Joseph yelling in the other room.

"I was just bluffing when I said one month! I should have said a year!" Cried Joseph.

"Well it's no use crying over it know.. we best get to training" you said.

"She's right, quit screwing around! Think!" Said Cesar.

"I am thinking!" Said Joseph.

You can tell he was getting frustrated and overwhelmed.
You walked over to him and comfort him.
"Hey, no matter what.. we'll get them ok? So we'll train hard for this month" you said to him with a hand in his shoulder.

"I believe in you" you said finally with a smile.

Joseph seemed to calm down, he smiled back.
"Thank you, y/n" he said.

"Hey!" Yelled Cesar.
"If you're done flirting with my sister.. you can start by learning this.." he said in a bit of a overprotective voice, he filled up a glass of water and flipped it upside down.

Using Hamon to stop it from falling.
"Jojo, Catch.. try to keep the water inside" he said as he tossed the cup upside down to Joseph.

As cocky Joseph was, Thinking it was going to be easy. He caught the cup and only holding it for 3 second before the water exploded all over him.

"I see what you did wrong.." you said softly.

"You saw it too?" Asked your brother.
You nodded.

"What? What did you see?" Asked Joseph.

"You release too much energy from the palm of your hands, rather from a single point.. a finger tip" you said.

"The smaller a water guns nozzle, the farther the water travels" added Cesar.
"Look, you have to learn to control your Hamon at will"

You then smiled.
"After all, we did come to Venice to meet up with our couch, to train and work hard!"

"Oh no! My least favorite word is 'work hard'!" Cried Joseph.

"We'll boys, I'm gonna go get some rest.. after today, I think we all need it" you said.

"You're right, we should get a goodnights sleep" said Cesar.


With everyone in bed, the two boys shared a room, and you slept in a completely different room.

You tossed and turn, and you couldn't sleep. As you lay in bed. You looked out the window and saw the bright moon.

You sighed softly and got out from bed.

Leaving your bed room, you walked out to the balcony.
You leaned on the railing, fidgeting around with your necklaces.

It's nights like theses that you can't sleep. Your mind rewinds to the past and just never lets you go.

Looking down at your locket, you opened it to the family picture, seeing your bothers and sisters, mother and father. You smiled at that thought of them. You then started to hum a melody your mother used to sing to you.

You were never as good at singing it as your mother, but that never stopped you.

Fly me to the moon (Joseph Joestar x reader)Where stories live. Discover now