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So since the last few chapters have been more focused on Queen, this chapter will be more focused on the miracle making tomato snowflake.

slight fluff

Not gonna put any more puns even though I put only one in this book because yes.

Also hi-

dang it-

Underlined Italics= Writing

Bold Italics= Flashback (basically most of the chapter)

Underlined Bold Italics= Flashback thoughts


It has been six days since Queen had gone missing. And Joker hasn't made any contact with anyone in that amount of time.

Usually he slept through the day, dreaming about his lost love, only to wake up and realize that it was just a fantasy that would never occur. However this time, he didn't feel like sleeping.

He opened up a secret compartment under his bed. Not even Hachi knew that it was there, since it was hidden very well. There were a few valuable stuff in there that he didn't want anyone else knowing he had, either if it was embarrassing for him to explain, or just plain didn't want to show anyone.

He pulled the small book out along with a pencil, which had been given to him from his parents, and closed the compartment. Silver Heart had gotten it for him years ago, however he never really had any use for it. So, he just kept it.

There wasn't really any sentimental value to it. It was just an empty, brown book. So why did he keep it?

He wasn't much of an artist. His sketches were pretty decent, but he usually didn't draw. But this time, he felt like it was the only thing he wanted to do in his life, besides hold Queen in his arms and never let go, ever.

He opened the notebook and began sketching. The notebook wasn't that big, but it wasn't small either. He let his body take control as the pencil lead made strokes around the page.

Finally, it was done. He took the pencil off of the paper and admired his artwork.

It was a drawing of him and Queen, when they were little. He didn't exactly know why de decided to draw it, he just did.

In the drawing, Joker was handing a few marigolds to Queen, who smiled back and gladly took them.

Joker sighed. He used to be so happy before... Where did all of it go...

He turned to the next page.

Maybe I should try writing...

Unfortunately, he had no idea what to write about.

His eyes travelled the room until it landed on the now unframed picture of them when they were little.

He decided to do that.

He began writing on the empty page.

So... I don't usually do this, but I guess I should start, to deal with my crippling depression.

"Mood." Joker says to himself and erases the crippling depression part.

but I guess I should start, since I need something to either cope with loosing my best friend or possibly lover or to prevent myself from losing my sanity.

"Better, I guess."

Basically, this is a remembrance of the day I met the girl of my dreams...

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