||•a new enemy•||

128 3 52

idk what to put here lol

"Italics + Quotation marks" = Caller speaking


It was the day after Joker returned.

He hadn't left the castle since.

Spade found Hachi and Ai in Joker's treasure room, claiming that they were just messing around with his "mayonnaise." Spade agreed to not tell Joker about it, however, he took Ai back to his ship.

Joker was sitting beside Queen's unconscious body. The paper that he had written on was thrown away when he came back. He later learned that Silver Heart had thought that it was just trash so he threw it away.

He was just doing his usual thing of internally scolding himself like every morning. He was sitting next to Queen on her bed, careful as to not sit on the blonde.

He was just about to get to the point of the fact that Queen disappeared because of him when he felt movement next to him. He turned around to see Queen shuffling in bed and slowly opening her eyes.

He stared in shock for a few seconds before running out the room, screaming: "QUEEN IS WAKING UP, QUEEN IS WAKING UP!" At the top of his lungs at 4 am.

He ran screaming through more hallways... Until he bumped into a half-awake Silver Heart.

"Hey!" He shouted at his student. "Why are you running around so early in the morning screaming?! If you continue doing this, someone might call a psychiatrist!"

"Sorry master..."

Silver Heart sighed. "Why are you screaming, though?"

"Well, Queen is waking up right now and-" Suddenly, Silver Heart disappeared. He could hear footsteps and his master screaming something about Queen.

Joker took out his phone and called Spade. When he picked up, Joker could hear shouting on the other end.

"What do you want?!" Spade screamed. More yelling was heard in the background.

"Do you shout at everyone who calls you, idiot?!" Joker screamed back. "Anyways, It's Queen. She's waking up!"

"Really? I'll be there-" Spade was cut off by even more shouting.

"SHUT UP!!" He screamed at the person. A woman's voice could be heard now.


Joker realized the person shouting at Spade was Ai. He was shocked, he had never heard Ai this mad before.

Spade and Ai shouted at each other even more. After a while, a door slammed in the other end and Spade spoke up.

"Sorry about that, it's just Ai... I'll arrive shortly. See you." Spade then ended the call, leaving Joker confused.

"What the heck just happened...?"


When Joker walked into Queen's room, Silver Heart was already inside along with Spade and Ai. Somehow they had arrived before he did.

Queen was already sitting up in bed. When she turned to him, Joker nervously smiled. The blonde just stared at him with an emotionless expression before turning back to Silver Heart, who was sobbing next to her.

Joker sat in between Ai and Spade, who were looking away from each other.

Spade turned to him. "Queen's feeling a lot better now. She could stand up, however we can't force her to do it, she has to do it herself."

"Are you feeling better, Queen?" Spade asked the blonde, who nodded in response. She turned to Joker.

"Can I have some time alone with..." She trailed off. Everyone in the room turned to Joker, and they knew exactly what she meant.

"Sure, I guess." Silver Heart lead Ai and Spade out of the room. Hachi was waiting outside. Spade shot a glare at him before sitting on a chair outside. Ai sat across him, still looking everywhere but his direction.

Joker and Queen watched them walk out of the room. When Silver Heart closed the door, Joker turned to Queen.

"Alright, let's get to the point. What did you do to the real Queen?"

Queen looked at him, offended. "What do you mean?!"

"Why would you want to be alone with me? Of all people you could've asked to be alone with, you asked for me instead of your best friend." Joker pointed to the door, referring to Ai.

Queen glared at him. Joker ignored this and continued.

"If you were the real Queen, you'd either beg for your sword the moment you saw me to cut me into pieces, or you'd pretend I wasn't even here at all."

"Seriously?!" Queen shouted, however not loud enough for anyone outside to hear. "I just woke up after getting severely injured, heartbroken after you 'died' last night, and now you just want to add to my stress by saying that I'm not myself?! Are you out of your mind?!"

"You weren't 'severely imjured', though. The only injuries you've sustained in your body, well, Queen's body, was a cut in her right hand. That's not 'severely injured', isn't it?"

"Queen" scoffed and turned away from Joker. She suddenly chuckled, startling Joker.

She turned around, grinning at the icy blue haired boy.

"So what if I'm not actually Queen?" She asked, a hint of slyness in her voice. "You still hurt her anyways, and she was so pained by what you did, she left this stupid universe and switched lives with me. You'll never get her back now. It's too late, snowflake."

Joker's heart dropped. He couldn't believe it. Did Queen really just leave this universe because of him?

"H-how do I know y-you're not l-lying?" He stuttered.

She giggled. "You obviously believe me, the stuttering gives it away."

Joker was on the verge of tears. He didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. His heart felt like it was going to tears into pieces, and those pieces would tear into other pieces, and so on...

"Queen" got up. Joker realized that she probably faked her leg weaknesses. She bopped his nose lightly and whispered in his ear.

"You better not tell anyone else about this, Joker. You may not realize this, but I am way more powerful than Queen is. I've seen you're tricks, and believe me, they're smart. However, you can't outsmart me, smarty-pants. I can easily kill you off within a minute." He could hear her smile when she mentioned the killing part.

She pulled away from Joker. "You don't need to know why I'm doing this. You can call me Emerald, but only if we're alone. Call me by my real name if even that green pancake could hear and you're neck would go slice. Got it?"

Joker stared at her, horrified. Was she really going to kill him over a name?

Emerald smiled at him and walked out of the room. Joker could hear everyone's shocked voices when they saw Emerald walking.

He turned to the open door, and just as Silver Heart was going to close it, he saw Emerald wink at him, right as the door closed.

And at that moment, Joker realized that he had just made a new enemy. One that he would probably hate for the rest of his life.



tysm for reading chapter 10! <3

hallo to these peeps!




and the rest of you bootiful readers reading this book!

stay safe! :D

Word Count: 1208

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