Chapter 1

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"Grandma I love that guy," The short girl said while looking at the old woman who sat beside her. There were wrinkles around her stretched skin, signs of the long tedious life she lived. Her palms were callous as she always did all her labour work by herself never using machines. She looked up from her gold-rimmed spectacles smiling dotingly at her only granddaughter The reason why the little girl ended up being a spoiled brat.

"Now do you?" She asked laughing softly at the little girl.

"Grandma I love him. Are you making fun of me?" She said huffing her eyebrows drawn in a straight line looking at the vintage style fan on the ceiling.

"No my heart, I am not. But does he love you?" The old woman asked. The girl got a little nervous at that question and then clenched her fists standing up.

"Grandma I thought you were the only person who would understand me. But you..." She started crying hiccuping in between her complaints ".. don't like me. I think I am not your real granddaughter. These people have adopted me. They never listen to me .... muah" She cried loudly making the old lady conflicted.

"My darling come here. That's bullshit. You are my true blood. Look at the way you are crying, that's how I cry!" She said while caressing the little girl's forehead." My child when I asked does he love you. I only did for your own best. You know that I am an old lady now"

"Grandma stop acting old. You just have few grey hairs here and there. Otherwise, you look just like a cute girl. Just 61 years" The girl said smiling cheerfully at the old lady. There was a connection between the two. One could feel the warmth emitted by the love they shared for each other.

"En en I know I am a young and what's the word yes sexy girl" Grandma laughed along with the little girl.

"Grandma, have you ever fallen in love?" The little girl asked trying to insist the old lady by making her reminisce about her past.

"Yes," The old lady answered her answer short and curt. The little girl took that as a sign of being shy. Patting herself she continued.

"Um it's grandpa, isn't it?" She asked the old lady. But the old lady remained silent gazing at the old see-saw through the wooden window. She smiled a little, a smile filled with regrets and pain.

"I ... my child bring that old trunk under my bed. It's a little heavy so be careful" She said to the girl who removed the antique box from under the bed.

"What's this grandma?" She asked curiously looking at the snake designs on it. The old lady touched its surface as if reminiscing her past. She closed her eyes and smiled brightly removing her gold chain.

"This was the box that contained my dowry. Open it" She said while passing her the key. The little girl fiddled with the chain then pushed in the head of the key making the cover of the box pop open. There was a frame inside.

"Wow grandpa was so handsome," The girl said truthfully. The man in the photograph looked tall enough to dwarf her, his curly hair giving him a young look and the long shirt and overcoat making him look like a scholar. His expression was neutral. His thick eyebrows a little raised at the cameraman, a loose smile hung on his face as he sat there with his hands crossed on an old-style chair.

The girl set the frame on the table as she saw her grandma's eyes welling up with thousand of emotions. Emotions that made droplets of water glisten with her saggy skin as the permanent frown reappeared on her face. Her skin had too many wrinkles making her once chubby cheeks curve down like a reverse smile. That's the reason why the little girl could never afford to lose the beautiful smile on her face.

"Granny, you miss him? Don't you?" The little girl asked looking with sympathy at her poor lonely grandmother. Although she was surrounded by all her children one could see her hopeful violet eyes searching for someone around the house. Those glittering eyes soon turned sorrowful as she realised it was another illusion of the reality she was facing. The reality she created.

"There are some books here granny," said the little girl as she dug inside the trunk "These are engineering books. Why do you have them?" The girl questioned her grandma who had a doctorate in literature.

"It was his. The first time when I saw him, he was already in university. A tall elegant boy reading books. Our cousins were playing around while he sat away from us reading his books. I thought he was a very stiff person. When I tried to talk to him, he kept his gaze levelled to the ground his hands folded behind. He always asked me to maintain a distance but that's what made the 15-year-old me more curious about him. So whenever I used to get angry I used to cross the boundary and stuck out my tongue at his arrogant self and he used to step back while reprimanding me.

"Jia you are not little anymore. I have told you before I am not a part of your family so you should maintain distance. Don't get too close to strangers, they aren't safe" Then he used to turn around towards his table and sit down holding his fountain pen with all his five fingers. A peculiar manner I know. But that's not what made my heart move. It was the proposal".

"Wow don't tell me grandpa proposed you?" The little Ray asked. The old lady laughed sadly and coughed a little asking for water. The girl gave her the glass and then went back to searching the trunk excitedly.

"Grandma a doll?" The girl asked caressing the white Chinese doll in her hand. It was dressed beautifully in a red dress. Then Ray opened the small box inside the trunk and gasped.

"This is the same dress the doll is wearing. Grandma, you made it?" She asked. The old lady nodded touching the red dress and found his name written on it.



I hope you like this chapter. It's gonna be a short story so stay connected.

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While editing I felt something was missing in the chapters. But couldn't find out what...

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And I love you 😘❤️

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