Chapter 8

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"I love it the way you call me senorita...", Ray sang for Jia who vibed in with the her, she was wearing a heavy dress for her after wedding party with purple lipstick that made her beautiful eyes pop out.

"Ray do you still plan to runaway?" Jiah asked with curiosity to which Ray nodded immediately.

"I want to get the hell of this place", She answered to which Jiah sighed sadly.

"Beta but don't you think it's too late to runaway. I mean you are now married. Hasan will face a lot of ridicule if you runaway alone...", She trailed off then cut her sentence and asked Ray.

"Did you catch any feelings for Hasan last night? " Jiah asked with a naughty smile making Ray blush.

"Daadi ew we don't even like each other. How can we do that?" She grimaced disgusted as she faced her grandma who laughed and twinkled those cute eyes at her.

"My sweet little Ray, you know wedding nights are supposed to be magical? My mother told me that. But I felt the same as you. I never developed any feelings for him until he went away. He treated me like a child and he used to bring along his lover when we used to go out. I was innocent so I thought they were college friends but ughhh I hate your grandfather. He was a cheater, a manipulative man. He played with two women's heart and crushed them. I wonder what would have happened if he had been honest. If he had been brave and not crushed our hearts like he did", Jiah reminisced the old times as her words hit Ray.


"Adeel I love shopping, can you take me to the market?" Jiah requested him who eyed the excitement in her eyes then nodded making her squeal.

"You are a big girl Jiah. Act like one", Adeel taunted laughing at the grim face she made as soon as his words sunk in.

"You only love the girls at your college, don't ya?" She taunted back not realising the truth her words. Infact this was the day she was first left alone in the market as her husband wandered away with his loved on a date. She thought it was just one time but it kept on repeating until she confronted them. And that's when the girl came to know she was his wife thus disappearing from Adeel's life.

Adeel started hating her more, he started coming back late at night from his university preferring the study room over his home. Jiah spent the entire day reading sad poetries from Tagore tales and further drove into the depression.

It was painful as a year passed but slowly Adeel moved on and started spending time with her. He taught her maths and physics preparing her for the junior college exams. And with his guidance she aced them. Her admiration for him transformed into love and she felt him reciprocating her feelings as he showed his care for her. Often calling her his love.

At twenty she got pregnant but they hit their mid life crisis suddenly. Adeel lost his job and his student loan took a toll on him. In such dark time he got a call, from his Tara. She was asking him to come to America. An offer he couldn't refuse with an amazing pay in her office.

Jiah couldn't accept it, but alas he didn't listen to her.

"I am leaving", The man said smiling excitedly at his wife who had a sullen expression. She nodded.

"I... take care" Those were the only words she managed to utter as he turned around.

"I will" He said walking towards the door then stopped midstep. Turning around he asked his wife "Do you wish for something?"

"No" She said, when he reached the door a whisper was heard.

"Love me one day?" She whispered in the silence of her home that taunted her till the eternity of her lonely life.


"You are nothing like your grandfather Ray, I know that", Jiah said proudly and hugged the quiet girl to her chest who has lost in her thoughts. She had no idea what to do anymore. This wedding was a farce but the guilt was starting to way her down. She felt like a criminal facing her grandma and her mother, she was unable to look into their eyes anymore. Her mother thought she was still angry and just let it be.

The truth was going to break her heart. But unbeknownst to her, the marriage wasn't a farce. Their plan failed brutally Hasan realised as he faced the registrar who congratulated him on his wedding.

They were married for real!!!

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