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Thank you to all the readers who read my stories, voted for me, and left your comments, and thank you for all of my followers...

Pragya was standing in front of the Singh Enterprises. She felt excited like a kid, who was going to school for the first time. Taking a deep breath, Pragya entered the office.

Pragya walked around the building and felt confused about to whom she should report. "Excuse me." She called one of the employees. "I'm joining as a new member of the executive team. Can I know to whom I should submit my joining letter?"

"You have to report to boss's secretary sir." The person replied.

"Oh, where is his cabin?"

"Come, let me show you." The man said and starts to walk and Pragya followed him.

"This is his cabin." The person said, pointing to a room.

"Thank you," Pragya said and the man went from there, nodding. Pragya adjusted her hair and dress once. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

"Come in." Blood drained from Pragya's face, recognizing the voice. Nervously, Pragya opened the door and became shocked, seeing Abhi, working on his laptop.

Abhi lifted his head and looked at Pragya, who was standing near the door. His lips curved to a smirk, seeing her and Pragya gulped, suppressing her anger and nervousness. "Good morning sir."

"Hm, Who are you?"


"What is your name Ms.?" Abhi asked sarcastically.

"Pragya Arora." Pragya said, plastering a fake smile. "I'm the new executive team member, sir. I came here to give my joining letter." Pragya said handing over him the paper. Abhi got the paper, glancing at her. After checking the letter, he turned his grace towards her. "Okay. Come with me." Abhi said, getting up from his seat.

Abhi went to King's cabin, followed by Pragya. Abhi knocked on the door. "Come in." Both heard King's voice. Abhi entered the cabin along with Pragya.

"Sir, Ms. Arora is here."

"Hi, Pragya..." King said smiling.

"Good morning sir," Pragya said with a nervous smile.

"How are you?" King asked casually.

"I'm fine sir."

"Good. Abhi, take her and show her around the office and introduce her to the team members." King said and Abhi nodded.

Abhi and Pragya were walking around the office. Abhi kept a stern look, whereas Pragya was looking at him with a teasing look. "Mr. Abhishek..."


"Where are we going?" Pragya asked.

"To amusement park." Abhi gave a sarcastic answer.

"Nice idea. But, it would be boring to go there with you." Pragya said and Abhi rolls his eyes, hearing her.

"Can I ask you something?" Abhi asked and Pragya nodded as yes. "Have you joined here just to piss me off?" Abhi asked and Pragya chuckles, hearing his question.

"I never had such intention until I met you here. Maybe, that might become one of the reasons for me to come here, Mr. Kadoos." Pragya said grinning.

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