Chapter Eight

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Kasumi's Pov
"Kas... You know I'm never gonna judge you, you are my best friend you can tell me whenever you want to, it's just us." My head pressed down on the pillow a bit, listening to Tenten closely feeling her rubbing at my back a couple times before she was flipping down to lay on top of me, even in the foul mood I couldn't help but let a small laugh out quietly feeling her nuzzling at me deeply.

"Well where would I even begin to explain all this?" I muttered feeling her soon roll over making me groan out both of us now just laying on our backs staring up at the inn ceiling.

"I had a crush on Shikamaru, it was one of those silly ones that started when we were younger when I met him at the chunin exams." My eyes fluttered a couple times before I heard her speaking.

"Shikamaru Nara? Out of everyone you pick the lazy one who could care less about woman- I don't even know how him and Temari got together." A soft laugh left me quietly.

"Yeah he's lazy but he's smart, I guess the only reason why we got along when I would come and visit is cause we both like puzzles and gambling all that fun stuff. " A small sigh left as I soon tossed my arms over my face finally relaxing and less tense.

"I never told Shikamaru I liked him, and I kinda just wanted to keep it as friends, but then one day he kissed me, he instantly said sorry and said he wasn't gonna do it again, and we never spoke about it again. He also said not to tell Temari." Tenten huffed loudly.

"So typical of men, to lie and try and pretend like things don't happen instead of facing it head on, what else happened?" I inhaled.

"So for a couple months I avoided going to the leaf unless we had to, so during one visit, Shikamaru dragged me off and we sort of just watched the ponds, but then he stated that he made a mistake and brought up the kiss again." It was silent but the both of us just staring at the ceiling even more.

"Then it continued didn't it?" I nodded my head.

"Yeah he wanted me to lie whenever I was visiting the village saying I was doing missions, I don't know I just feel stupid cause I never slept with him, that was one strict thing it was just kissing." I sat up with a small deep grunt rubbing at my back a couple times Tenten doing the same thing slowly pulling her hair from the buns on her head letting her hair flow out.

"I'm gonna tell you my opinion and it's not cause you are my best friend but it's because I trust you. I don't think you are at fault here, you never engaged, or kissed him first or made advances at him while he was with Temari." I stared at her my arms locking around my legs a bit.

"Aren't I still at fault for continuing though?" She hummed a loose hum, her own arms hugging her legs.

"You feel guilty about it, most women who cheat don't, they brag about it, you feel fear and guilt, did you ever kiss first? Did you force him? When it first happened who kissed first." I opened my mouth for just a moment.

"Shika did..." I sighed even more.

"Then it's his fault he knew what he was doing and he kept continuing it instead of breaking it off with her, he wants you to feel more guilty because he's the one who engaged but yes I'm serious from your side, it's not your fault." I kept my arms tighter around my legs.

"I just wanna say sorry to her... Even if I dislike her she's still my teammate, no one.. Deserves that kind of pain at all." Tenten slowly rested her head on my shoulder.

"You can apologize to her, in due time, let's let the tension fade, you can apologize to her but the one thing you have to do Kasumi, don't speak to Shikamaru don't act on anything, because he needs to stop acting like a boy, and grow. We aren't little anymore, don't give him the time of day it's not up to you to help him figure out that he didn't give himself  time to figure out what he wants in his life. " I gave her a few quick head nods, my fingers rubbing at my arms.

"Thanks Tenten.. For listening instead of jumping straight to the conclusion." She let a very light airy  chuckle out.

"Kasumi, I don't really judge without all the facts it's one of the rules that Guy Sensei taught us, but then again it's just being a decent human being."

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