Chapter Eleven

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Kasumi's Pov
My stay in the leaf seemed to linger my stay a bit more, when the others left I had decided to stay behind spending some more extended time with Genma. If I wasn't helping him with missions, we were hanging out at his place with nothing much in thought. Just funny laughter and thoughts.

I glanced over towards where his form was resting in the arm chair reading through a book with ease, propping his leg up some more glancing up at me from where I was resting on the floor mediating to clear the thoughts from running.

"Why haven't you told him how you felt?" My concentration was broken for just that moment, placing my palms over my legs in a small motion, glancing over at the smirking male.

"I did, and it resulted in the situation I am in, as well as sleeping with a very much hot older man." A loud boasting laugh left from him, seeing him still smirking twirling his needle between his teeth some more.

"I didn't hear your complaints when I bent you over the couch princess- ow!" I shot him a blank look after the pillow landed on his face roughly causing more laughter to leave him. It's all he did was laugh and tease you till the teasing turned into something else then you were passed out on the floor butt naked. I promise you, it's happened more times then once.

"Shut up Genma! I'm going back to the hotel- put me down!"

"I think you have some tension princess, back to the bedroom."

Aching muscles was all I could feel, that and the cold sensation of the living room floor on my bare skin. I suppose the hidden leaf wasn't super bad for my initial thought. I was still doing missions and Gaara knew where I was, that left me and my mind in so many different beautiful directions.

The sudden peace of the sleep was brought away from rough banging on the door rapid in their assault.  "Damn... Kasumi go open the door tell them I'm not here." I heard the loud groaning from next to me, his figure yanking on the blankets to roll over more on the floor, his ass on display now.

"It's your freaking apartment dumbass." I muttered sitting up, pushing his naked self off my chest getting a smack on my bottom in return. I grabbed my large shirt slipping it on, making my way to the front door, sleep still shown through out my gaze.

I was quick to tank the door open fast, rubbing at my eyes fast.

"Yes yes what?" I questioned fluttering my eyes quickly, looking up at the figure. I felt my blood run cold for a full minute. Well damn... His eyes scanned over me for a moment, the surprise lingered In his gaze.

"Shikamaru.. Uhm what are you doing here?" I questioned hearing a small sounding scoff leaving his lips, yanking his toothpick out for a moment.

"Looking for Genma he's leading a mission with me today, but I can see he's been busy hasn't he?" He scanned his eyes up and down me, another roll of his eyes was sent my way watching him fold his arms in place.

"I guess fucking older guys now is your thing now?" I held out my palm to him speaking some more, rubbing my palm over my face deeply.

"Its too early to be arguing about this, last I checked I'm eighteen, single and can fuck who I want. Plus I'm happy to see you and Temari back together." I dropped my hand now it was his turned to narrow his eyes at me playing with his toothpick even more roughly clicking his tongue a bit.

"We aren't back together whatever you saw wasn't what you thought. Jumping to conclusions like always. Thinking making me jealous was gonna fix this stupid mess."

"We are in this mess because of you!"

"You are just as responsible as me! You continued it Kasumi, stop pretending you are innocent in this all."

"Leave me alone Shikamaru!" I shouted at him balling my fist out by my side, shooting a glare his way.

"I fell in love with you, and I made a mistake, now I've owned up to that mistake. But you can't keep throwing it up in my face and playing with my emotions." I took a huge exhale in bending down to grab my sandals slipping them on as quick as I could.

"I'm going back to the Sand it's what I should have done. Don't talk to me unless you wanna talk like the two adults we are. Genma! You have a mission." I yelled back in to the apartment shutting the door behind me, brushing passed Shikamaru who grabbed at my arm in a gentle hold.

"Kasumi wait."  I just brushed his hand off my arm, speed walking quickly to head to go gather my stuff. It should have been the simple answer all along. I was just prolonging what was stupid and not needed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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