Chapter Ten

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Kasumi's Pov
"Kas get up, come on get up." A low groan left me, my body instantly curling up into a ball moving further into the futon the best I could, shooting my legs out to kick the person as quick as I could but they were a lot quicker than me, grabbing both my legs stopping them from hitting them.

"Kankuro let me sleep. Why are we even staying in the Leaf still, wanna go home." It had to have been a good four weeks since the incident, yet Gaara insisted we were still needed around. Since he was our Kazekage no reason in arguing with what was needed.

"You've been  sleep for days. What's so good about Shikamaru anyway? he's just an ass that not only hurt my sister, but hurt you too. Come on I'm taking you to get laid." With a quick yank had me yelping, when I landed in the hotel floor causing me to groan as the fire grew on my lower half with sudden ease.

"I don't need to get laid, I'm eighteen and need to wallow in my self loathing till we go back home." A heavy growl like sounded out echoing over the room.  This close I was to falling asleep right there on that floor when I was picked up roughly and placed over his shoulder. Forcing me right back awake with the wind rushing passed me all in one motion.

"Come on we are gonna go bath, and then I'm gonna get you out of this slump just like I got Temari out of hers." I held onto his back weakly with a mumble pressing my head in place taking in his scent.

"Men suck..."

Yeah yeah, they sure do. So anyways I was thinking Genma."

"He's older than me-"

"You are legal so-"

I do believe Kankuro was serious about this get laid mission and had been all day since waking me up out of my deep beauty sleep. I was eighteen and it was everything after the war I was over here crying over a guy, who I had been avoiding since we had our interaction.

It really has you wondering what was in-store next for everything. After a long bath in the bath house relaxation taking over, and getting some tea with Kankuro he finally had convinced me to sit and have a chat with Genma. Both of us sitting outside one of the many leaf restaurants chewing on his toothpick he leaned on his arms watching me curious like.

"So is what I hear about you true? Shikamaru is down right bad." I choked on the cold shiver of the water going down the wrong pipe, clearing my throat fast staring back at Genma, giving him a single head nod his way. Wondering just what had been going around

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. You all are like eighteen-nineteen you all will make mistakes. I mean you see how long it took Hinata and Naruto." I held back a small chuckle nodding in agreement with a heavy sigh.

"Yeah.. Took them years and we are all just stupid adults I wish I could legal drink sake." He snorted my way propping himself back in his seat for a moment he then leaned forward more.

"You are beautiful though Kasumi, don't ever forget your worth over something idiotic like us boys." I flashed him a kind smile chuckling setting my glass down.

"Thank you Genma but it's also my mistake too you know? I just gotta get up and you know get over it. Maybe Naruto and Hinata's wedding will help." He grinned even more at me still chewing roughly on his toothpick standing up placing a few bills on the table he held his hand out for me to which I placed it in his standing up with his help.

"Let's enjoy the day then shall we? I know a good place were the flowers bloom." I smiled at him kindly holding his hand in my own letting him lead the way down a path, I took my mind off the deep drift that was stuck in my mind having to avert my eyes when I saw Shikamaru walking down the road with Temari both of them talking deeply with one another, I lifted my head up focusing on Genma with a smile. Don't focus on Shika... Just focus on yourself right now. With another lazy grin spread across his face Genma slide his arm over my upper shoulder urging me closer to him.

For the first time in a while, the ease had washed over me, holding his hand tighter. I tilted my head up when he yanked the toothpick out pressing his lips onto mine feeling him bring me closer to his side.

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