Chapter Five

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Kasumi's Pov
"Okay it's just gonna be normal like always Kasumi." I grumbled to myself, I should be just okay with coming to the hidden leaf, but like always I was a shaken mess nervous for no reason ever since I was twelve I had been coming to the hidden leaf. It was a second home for me.

It had been at least around two months since the incident of Shikamaru kissing me and like always I pushed it behind my mind, deciding that it was better a faded memory, till I had Tenten and Ino inviting me back to the village so only it was me this time.

"I could just like avoid him." I muttered more to myself scanning my eyes around the busy stores and smelling different restaurant food that made my stomach growl like a and man.

Yeah that sounds better to do I thought to myself, for just one small second I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and bumped into a figures chest making me grunt looking away from the little cube in my hands.

I felt the color almost drain from my face. Well so far for my plan backfiring "Kasumi? Oh wow hey." Shikamaru breathed out looking at me a bit surprised a loose cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Hey Shika." I stammered out stuffing the cube in my pockets. He always seemed to look better every time.

"How are you?" I asked gently after hearing the news, I knew he wasn't handling it all too well. I watched him dig a lighter out from his pocket flicking it a few times.

"I'm getting by... All of us are, are you here by yourself?" He asked me staring down at me some more.

"Ino and Tenten wanted to spend some girl time." I explained hearing him hum he slowly lit up the cigarette gazing at me with his full attention.

"Listen... I know we said we were gonna ignore the you know kiss and stuff, but we really need to talk about it." I inhaled a shaky breath, but then sighed tucking away my hair.

Q"Yeah I know we can't avoid it." I grumbled watching him stuff the lighter back in his pocket.

He started inhaling the smoke puffing it out before he dropped his hand to pick up my own leading me to who knows where. And I just followed him because I wanted to guilt to fade away.

Even if I didn't kiss him back, or even since I wasn't the one who did it. I felt guilty because I liked it. We all were sixteen and almost seventeen why did it feel like we were thirteen again.

We had been walking for around fifteen minutes when Shikamaru brought me to one of the many bridges were a beautiful pond was. I allowed him to smoke while I stared at the water leaning my arms on the bridge from where I sat, when he finally decided to speak first between are slightly awkward tension.

"D-did you at least like it?" I was confused by the question but I didn't wanna look him in the eyes when I spoke so I kept facing the water. "Even though I shouldn't, yeah I did." I mumbled swaying my legs back and forth.

"You are dating Temari, Shikamaru, I shouldn't be attracted to you in no way what so ever. She is my teammate even though I don't like her." I was trying to explain all my confusing thoughts and putting them into one place right here out in the open like they should be.

"Well I was in the wrong in the first place, I can't help but think about you Kasumi.. Like what is it about you, man this is a drag girls are so confusing and shit." He grumbled, I watched him put out the cigarette, and I rested my arms in the bridge railing some more.

"Then I guess we both are confused." I admitted, a rough chuckle escaped passed his lips before he spoke again shaking his head briefly side to side.

"Maybe we aren't so confused, it's not like we are thirteen, like before." He pulled himself up a bit more moving closer so our shoulders were touching one another. I didn't say anything at first deciding it would be best not to speak and just enjoy the little peaceful vibe and to enjoy the fresh air.

I didn't even move when Shikamaru placed his head on my shoulder, resting it there with his eyes shut firmly. I just wrapped my arm around him stroking his heavy shoulder listening when he said one more thing that kinda shocked me a bit.

"Maybe I made a wrong choice Kasumi when just picking someone to date."

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