Chapter Seven

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Kasumi's Pov
Lately with all the missions after coming back to the sand mission. Just a good rest was needed sometimes. Nothing wrong with it.

But just as quickly as I found myself back home from some needed rest, me and Temari were sent in a small little mission with the rest of some the girls from the hidden leaf village.

Lady Tsunade said it would be just a quick two week mission. I sighed a little watching Tenten look at me curious.

"You alright Kasumi? Come on will be done before we know it, plus we are all going to the female bath area." She nudged me deeply with a grin leaning on me.

I cracked a soft grin wrapping her in a tight hug which she returned. "Yeah, that will be relaxing, I hope." I chuckled feeling someone's eyes were on me. I saw Temari was talking with Sakura the both of them discussing something.

Hinata was off somewhere getting more info along with Ino. I saw Temari glance at me before she seemed to be humming looking away for another moment.

I started listening in to Tenten closely while she dragged me off to go talk with a few more of the village people.

"Aw this is so relaxing." Sakura purred out keeping the towel wrapped around her head and hair she sunk back down into the steaming water.

Hinata was still the shy girl she was covering her bare chest from everyone. It was just nice to have the sore muscles not be so tense.

"Hinata you gotta relax, we are all girls here." Ino laughed quietly looking at Hinata's face that was still a deep red color.

"How about we play never have I ever?" Tenten grinned looking mischievous like. Almost everyone groaned even Temari did.

"That's a little kids game." Sakura whined out.

"It will pass time, come on." Tenten whined out with a pout looking at me for guidance.

"Sure." I answered chuckling sitting up a little better. Soon one by one the rest of the girls joined in.

"Alright never have I ever thought Neji was attractive?" All the girls, minus Hinata raised their hands even though you could tell the question was pointed at Tenten.

"He has the prettiest hair." Sakura grinned casually.

"You could look at someone besides Sasuke." Ino gasped out making me laugh out.

"Oh shut up! You are one to talk." Sakura had Ino gasping.

"Hey ladies come on, it's not that serious." I chuckled tucking away my growing hair a bit.

"I wanna go next." Temari called out once those two had died down. Temari looked in a lot of thought.

"Never have I ever slept with someone else boyfriend?" I was quick to sit up so fast the water splashing a little. I stare at Temari while she stared at me fully with a full blank stare.

"I... What are you talking about Temari." I told her firmly.

"Kasumi, I'm quite positive you know what I mean okay, don't play dumb ." She warned at me.

"Wait what's going on?" Sakura demanded but Tenten held out her hand quickly for Sakura to shut up.

"I never slept with Shikamaru." I warned at her. But she just narrowed her eyes at me a bit.

"But you've kissed correct? Had makeout sessions?" She questioned her voice growing louder each time.

"The one kiss was on accident! I never brought it up because I didn't kiss him back!" I shouted loudly just when she shouted back.

"But you continued Kasumi! And you thought I was gonna find out like I was stupid!" She shouted standing up in the water.

"Both of you stop it we are in public!" Tenten shouted loudly.

"I didn't wanna continue I told him just as many times! Temari I am sorry I am sorry! I should have known better! I've tried... I've tried to like you but I fell in love with Shikamaru first... But you... With your perfect and everything got him before I could... And I tried to let it go, and I'm saying on my part it's my fault!" I shouted watching her eyes slowly grow wide.

"Shikamaru kissed me first, and I pushed him away... Months later he brought it up again when I had forget about it... Why is it that when a girl is on this end they are treated poorly when it's also his fault just as much as my own." I looked at her sadly.

"I'm sorry I am... And I know half of it is my fault, I know what your thinking that I can have him, that you are gonna break up but that isn't gonna make me feel better cause you know what." I snapped out.

"If he could easily cheat on you, and I gave him a chance who's to say he won't do the same." I inhaled roughly seeing her eyes soften just the slightest at me.

"I never slept with him... It was just kissing and I know that doesn't make it any better...I know you won't believe me but I'm done with all this."

I stood up grabbing the towel wrapping it around myself wondering why the hell was I crying? I had no reason to when I just broke two people up with a selfish action.

"Kasumi don't go talk to me." Tenten demanded jumping up fast I heard her following after me, but I just wanted to be alone.

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