Chapter Nine

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Kasumi's Pov
I felt like all I really wanted to do was head back home. By the end days of the mission with the girls or was tense and awkward as it should have been, and even when we headed back to the leaf, Gaara insisted that we had to stay for a few more days before we would set off to head home.

Which meant I had time to reflect on what I would say and or what to do if Shikamaru approached me. I was hoping he didn't. Me and Tenten where fixing up a few of our weapons and all she was showing me the proper way to sharpen up a kunai when a rough clearing of the throat had me glancing up sighing at the sight of Sakura.

"Here listen Sakura before you say something super and extremely stupid. It doesn't concern the rest of you girls. It's between Shikamaru, me and Temari." She rolled her eyes heavily plopping down in the empty space.

"I wasn't gonna yell at you. " She started off for a moment whipping her head to stare at the bench across the way, her hands brushing across her legs for a moment her hands clutching into fist for a small moment in time.

"I just was gonna ask do you think it was worth it?" A tiny scoff left my lips, shaking my head no gently a couple times, the breeze rushing by was comforting in its own sad way. Cooling off the hot heat that seemed to follow in the up coming days.

"Of course it wasn't, nothing really feels like it's actually." I muttered loosely blinking a couple times I sighed putting a few of my kunais away propping my leg out sighing as I focused on the details of my shoes.

"How is Temari?" Sakura hummed loosely.

"She's upset as she should be, but seeing as she hasn't attacked you. She has more class then to fight over a boy." I don't know why the since remark had left me so sudden.

"Like you and Ino-" The loudest cough like laugh left Tenten and she tried her hardest to hide it before she was falling over laughing, Sakura shooting her the largest glare she could muster. I snorted sighing facepalming for a moment.

I kept my eyes shut keeping my head laid under the grass, speaking once I had open my mouth when the footsteps neared stopping right where I was.

"This use to be a good place to take naps." I took the time to open my eyes seeing his own staring down at me, his hands lazy shoved into his pockets.

"It still is from time to time." I pushed myself up into the sitting position with a grunt watching him move his body until he was standing in front of me.

"I didn't tell her Shikamaru, she confronted me about it, which means she knew about it." Shikamaru groaned loosely slightly tilting his head back.

"I know I've been talking to her for days about it. I apologize to her, and I'm here to apologize to you. For putting you in the position in the first place for continuing and knowing what my actions were... I'm sorry for hurting you." I rested both my arms over my legs for a brief moment before bowing my head down sighing.

"I will apologize on my own fault for continuing my actions... I apologize to Temari back when she confronted me, and I'll talk with her when we have to return home." He sighed deeply dipping his head down for a moment chewing at his toothpick roughly before whispering.

"I didn't handle handle this too well at all did I? I hurt you both, and all because I was too scared to break up with Temari." I scoffed shaking my head a few times.

"I knew that sometimes you could be a coward but... Yeah." I didn't wanna kick him when he was already on the ground, looking away giving us space when he sat down next to me on the grass both of us watching the high horizon setting across the sky.

"What happens now?" His chin pressed over his knee as he spoke calmly.

"Obviously we can't be together now.  Not like this... I'm gonna be single for a little while and try and fix what I did." I once again nodded, it seemed he wasn't completely stupid.

"Well see it as you aren't fully stupid are you Shika." He cracked a small grin sighing again as he spoke. 

"I do want you to know, it's always been you I was in love with." I squeezed my eyes as tightly as they would allow me, hiding the sting in my eye, and the burn that shifted through keeping my head hidden tightly on my knees.

"It's too late for that Shikamaru.... But I always loved your stupid ass too." The weakest chuckles were shared between us both I felt my body was shaking so harshly I don't know why I was crying trying to hide the quiet sobs that left me, body shaking with each deep tremble.

The only comfort feeling I could feel was his hand squeezing at my shaking one that rested limp like feeling him yank me towards him for just a moment his head resting on top of my own.

"I hate you Shikamaru."

"I know you do..."

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