Chapter Six

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Kasumi's Pov
"Sumi! You're still here I'm so happy." I forced a smile walking side by side with Shikamaru, who was lost in his own world with his eyes shut.

I had been meaning to head back to the sand village because I was worried about everyone thinking the worst thing possible.

But every time I was going to, or I was already heading to the gates to depart Shikamaru was waiting for me and grumbling like a child that he didn't want me to leave when I had been there for almost a month. Three weeks literally.

"Yeah, hey Ino." I beamed returning her energetic hug when she threw herself at me.

I caught her squeezing her deeply chuckling feeling my hair that somehow had grown that was now ear length bounce in place when I gave Choji a hug when he also came towards me.

"Did you guys need Shikamaru? I'm sorry he's been dragging me around again."

I apologized to the two, flicking my gaze right back over to Shikamaru who stared at me fast once his eyes had snapped open.

"Woman excuse you? You dragged me out of bed when I had just turned the alarm off." I rolled my eyes amused before turning the fact the two.

"I've been meaning to head back you know." I laughed quietly rubbing at my head before I felt Shikamaru lazily placed his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah, I've been needing her for little Intel missions I'm doing." He flashed them a grin yet how could no one see through that simple lie? Even I could.

"Man! That's tough let's not bug them Ino." Choji was sipping from a soda he had In his grip urging the long blonde hair girl somewhere.

"Fine but we need to have some more girl time with all the girls! Next week." I smiled waving my hand before I then snapped my head back to Shikamaru.

"You are making it so obvious that we are doing something, Lady Tsunade doesn't even have me doing missions Shikamaru."

I hissed at him he just rolled eyes at me. And I held to hold my breath of his lips ghosting across my neck. From afar it looked like we both were just hugging.

"I am doing a mission aren't I? I'm exploring your body."

We are gonna get caught, I can feel it holy shit why do his lips feel so good there. I found myself so stuck in my thoughts being pressed up into one of the large trees.

I had my arms wrapped around Shikamaru's neck bringing him closer while he warm breath pressed into my neck.

While he was sucking and kissing at the deep exposed skin, his hands sliding down my exposed thighs to lift me up a bit pressing into me.

A low quiet moan left to pass my lips and I felt Shikamaru smirking lazily.

"There are the pretty noises why were you hiding them."

I felt my face heat up deeply again before Shikamaru was pulling his head back from my neck pressing his forehead onto my own.

"Shikamaru, I don't know if I can keep doing this I feel so dirty and guilty." I found myself whispering staring into his eyes deeply, his open palm still stroking my thighs lightly.

"I know I know." He whispered quietly leaning in he pressed his lips onto mine slightly.

"I can't stop every time I try though... It's getting worse I want you around me always... You are just so beautiful, addicting almost. " His breathless whisper on my lips. I was hesitant to kiss back but when he gave my thighs a deep squeeze.

I ended up melting into the temptation and kisses back just as deep cupping his face in my palms pulling him closer to me.

Every day around 3 pm Shikamaru brought me to the same place with trees and clearing to have a quick make-out session. His parents refused to let him have anyone over with the fear of him having sex while they were there.

Shikamaru chuckled lifting me up off the tree to lay back on the grass quite roughly when he brought me down with him. We bonked heads roughly making me groan breaking the kiss and for him to hiss holding his forehead.

"Fuck that hurt." He laughed quietly with me, laying back on all the grass. I moved so my head was laying over his green vest and over his lace tunic shirt feeling his fingers then slowly went running through my hair deeply.

Both of us falling into a comfortable silence "Shika you know I have to go back to the sand village right?" I whispered quietly hearing him grunt out.

"Yeah, I know.. Don't wanna make things more suspicious, I just wish you could stay forever." I listened to the way his heart was beating and I found myself imagining if I could have a life with Shikamaru.

He was lazy but he was a genius and actually passionate about something other than sleep. If played right Shikamaru could be one of the few people running the village someday.

I found myself smiling at the thought giggling.

"Hey what's got you all giggly." I lifted my head up a bit staring at Shikamaru amused.

"Hey, do you think you could ever run the hidden leaf village?" I asked him The horrified expression on his face said it all.

"Oh hell no! Never. "

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