Chapter Six

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Pandora's Pov
"Lee, Lee wake up." I made sure my voice had dropped to a hush whisper, feeling slightly had for waking the knocked out male, he always needed it after his restless training. At first my dad said no to any sleep over, he always said no, no saying he didn't need any grandchildren yet. I always had to remind him just how innocent me and Lee were, with the okay from the parents Lee was always spending the night, my home was basically his.

A loud snort like snore left him, scaring me a little that he was choking before he was muttering in his half sleep state.

"What's the matter my little flower? Can't sleep." I felt a little embarrassed but I had a lot of nightmares growing up, and even through it was so long ago, I still got nightmares about when Lee had gotten hurt and almost died. I knew it was something unavoidable. I found myself lost for words for a moment seeing his sleepy eyes opened for a moment before he was locking his arm around my waist sweetly, urging me pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Having that nightmare again? Lotus flower I'm right here! I'm all strong and ready for anything I promise nothing bad has happened to me." I pressed my forehead onto his for a moment as I took in a deep breath.

"Lee you can't promise that when being killed and being injured is part of our line of work. I realize I baby you so much and I'm sorry about that." I opened my eyes once again, seeing his soft eyes staring at me before both his hands were cupping at my cheeks stroking at my purple cheeks slowly.

"Pandora you are so unique... No one is ever like you, with your purple skin, the hair that you cut and is now curly, and that's why I love you because you love me. Thank you for caring about me the way you do." I found myself smiling shutting my eyes with his keeping my forehead on his.


The following morning, even after a night full of so many nightmares and all, Lee had ran off with Shino, leaving me time to actually go run off and find one person I knew could help me more then anything. I strongly believe he could help me in no time with fast results as well.

"Well hello Pandora! What brings you by." I found myself grinning stuffing my hands into my pockets for a moment scruffing my sandals across the gravel roughly.

"Hi Guy Sensei! It has been a while even though I'm always around Lee or the others." I laughed quietly taking a deep breath in.

"I know this is really sudden and might even stress me out or kill me with my own team work and missions I have. I would like for you to train me." The older man, stared at me in shock for a moment jumping down from the tree with ease, blinking those eyes of his for a full moment before he was cracking a soft grin.

"Not that I'm not flattered Pandora but are you sure about that? You still are young. My training is intense and even so it stress Lee and the team out. It's enduring and hard." I blinked a couple more times but I was stern I knew this was what I wanted, I once again nodded firmly as I spoke above a whisper to him.

"I keep.. Having nightmares. The same occurring one, seeing Lee just hurt and broken seeing him in that state. I even have nightmares of seeing my friends dying. I know there are some limits to what you can learn, and what you can control." I paused for a moment wiping at my cheek roughly before speaking softly giving Guy Sensei a soft smile.

"I just wanna learn how to protect my friends and those I love way better Guy Sensei..." His whole facial expression soften before I felt he had neared me placing his hand on the back of my head gently before he was hugging me squeezing me into a hug.

"You and Lee are alike in many ways. I want to help you feel like you don't need to carry so much weight on your shoulders okay? So will train okay! But I don't want this extra training to stress of strain you physically. The moment it does we stop understood." I missed weakly feeling him petting at the back of my hair a few more times before we pulled away from the hug , he smiled at me reassuring.

"Lee is strong so are all of your friends, the future is untold but don't worry." He pinched at my cheeks faintly. "Alright let's start with warm-up, sit up and push ups."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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