Chapter Three

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Pandora's Pov
The exams were something I never imagined myself doing. It really put you to test to see if you can handle stressful situations. I watched how my own team became stronger, I watched how I went against my own friends in battle. In the end, I wasn't that strong enough for the Chunin exams and took it on myself to visit Lee every day I could.

He wasn't so lucky as me. I only ended up with a few bruises and scratches from my match. His match alone left him very injured and in the end, they believed he wasn't gonna be able to return to bring a ninja.

I sat beside his bed, stroking his hair while he stared out the window. We never said much to one another. Sometimes no little words were ever spoken between us. I knew he was hurt with himself devastated and all.

"Pandora.." I slowly turned my head to face Lee. My heart growing in speed but I have him a gentle smile, avoiding wincing when pieces of my hair fell from the ponytail.

"If I end up being useless... Would you still be friends with me?" I slowly let the frown take over my features,  and I grabbed Lee's free hand slowly helping him sit up.

"Lee you never were useless, even now you still are the strongest person I know, everyone has a beat down now and then, all that truly matters is you stay true to who you wanna be." I smiled moving his hair a bit and watched him look up at me tears leaving his eyes.  I haven't seen him this broken since when we were little when other kids would make fun of him.

"Oh, Lee... It's okay." I whispered quickly wrapping my arms around him he started crying quietly and I brought him closer to me feeling him burying his head into my neck shaking deeply.

"Lee..." I whispered not really knowing what was washing over me but seeing him crying, feeling so broken the next thing I know I had lifted his chin up and pressed my own lips onto his kissing him gently and softly.

"So let me get this correct, you kissed Lee, and even though he kissed back and was shocked you ran out of the room crying like an idiot?" I held my face in the palm of both my hands, whining, groaning maybe crying? I wasn't sure all I know was Neji wasn't making it kinda worst.

"Yeah." I trailed off slowly lifting my head up to gaze at someone I called a friend. He had some pretty good advice for someone very blunt. "Well for one you shouldn't have ran out cause he didn't get to get his words out, and that you finally confessed Pandora I'm actually proud of you." I groaned again seeing the small smile making its way across his face and I muttered.

"Neji what words are there to get out? He loves Sakura." I whined Neji slowly rolled his eyes up sky leaning back on the tree he was resting on scoffing.

"That's not love, he's infatuated with her, that's different deep down Lee knows he loves you, plus Sakura is obsessed with Sasuke." I tapped my fingers across my chin slowly taking everything all in.

"I know he kissed back," I said again. Neji leaned his head back to rest on the free trunk. "I think you should go see him before visiting hours are over, tell him how you feel, the worst case is he doesn't feel the same but you said he kissed back so that says something different, also keep in mind we are thirteen." I slowly blinked listening to Neji before nodding slowly getting up off the grass.

I walked passed Neji ruffling his hair up he smacked my hand away with a smile across his face "Thanks Neji." He chuckled and opened his eyes again looking over at me softly chuckling.

"Anytime lover girl  good luck." He told me and I smiled leaving the training area folding my arms in thought. I think after all this time I really was ready to get this long confession off my heart and mind on.

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