Chapter Two

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Pandora's Pov
"We've been walking in circles I'm tired."

"Naomi you always complain. "

"Shut up!"

I breathed out a quiet sigh smacking my forehead briefly, I flicked my eyes around the halls finding them so crowded. Who knew so many people were gonna be participating this year. This made me even ten times more pump up and excited.

"Oh come on you guys don't be such downers." I chuckled flicking my bangs away all my hair pulled up in a high ponytail, we were still looking for room 301 which felt like a maze of rooms everywhere.

"Oh, hush Pandora you just wanna see your boyfriend Lee." My entire face was a hot mess quickly I snapped my head towards my two teammates who were giggling and playfully teasing me.

"Shut up... He isn't my boyfriend." I squeaked out crossing my arms over my chest stomping away from them. Sometimes I wish he was.

I chewed my lower lip at the thoughts starting to squeak quietly at the thought, he was so cute and so adorable in every way possible, but there is a downside to it all. He is my best friend in the whole entire world, which means one thing.

The friend zone is so much closer and even worse. The brother and sister zone there's no coming out from that one. I let a deep groan out sweating smacking my head again.

"My sweet precious flower!" I let a small squeak out when I was instantly thrown into a large huge Lee rubbing his head back and forth between my cheek.

I let a small giggle out hugging him back, not really caring that everyone was watching us in the classroom, judging and what not. It was nice to meet up with everyone from the academy.

"Oh wow does bushy eyebrows really have a girlfriend? And yet he was just asking Sakura out!" I blinked looking to see Naruto was laughing at the two of us, but I just sweatdropped quickly squeaking out.

"No, it's no like that Lee is my best friend." I squeaked when Lee huffed hugging me even closer. "That is right Naruto she is my lotus flower." Lee beamed and I nodded some more ignoring the fact his arm was resting around my plump waist.

"Hn whatever it's full of weirdos anyway," Sasuke grumbled but he flicked his eyes to me curious like.

I opened my mouth to speak but Lee was already dragging me away from everyone, pulling me towards were Tenten, Neji, and my own teammates were chatting ignoring the deep glares from all the other older students who were around.

"Are you ready Pandora? I'm sure the exams are gonna be fun." Lee told me happily starting to play with the strands of my hair that fell loose from the ponytail.

I let a small giggle out leaning into Lee the best I can. " I hope so exams aren't my strong suit. " I muttered more to myself slowly laying my head on his shoulder to try and relax.

This day was far from over and I'm not ready for this entire week. "Aww my flower don't say things like that, you're very strong in many areas." Lee grinned down at me and I poked Lee's nose making him wiggle it gently making me giggle.

"Oh yeah, you two need a room already." Tenten giggled shooting me a wink. My eyes wide with shock but this time Lee was speaking with a large blush in his face.

"It isn't like that Tenten besides I need to impress Sakura one hundred percent she's such a beautiful cherry blossom." Lee had heart eyes while speaking of the pink hair, slightly in my opinion overdramatic girl.

I glanced over at her to see her, and Ino in a heated argument over Sasuke yet I couldn't quite put my finger on why Lee like her. Her personality was really something else.

I glanced over at Lee with hope of longing, but I was focused back in when Neji nudged my side whispering to me, his eyes watching me.

"You're no good at hiding it, just tell him you love him," Neji whispered to me seriously like. My eyes grew wide again and I inhaled roughly, shaking my head quickly.

"I can't." I whispered fast focusing all my eyes on Neji "why not?" Taking a glance at Lee I saw the way he was talking about Sakura even earlier I saw everything what happened, and I just couldn't do that. He liked a girl from the many years of me knowing him.

I cracked a soft smile and played with my fingers looking away for just a minute. "Because he likes her, an actual girl he likes Neji and she's normal, not weird like me...."

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