Chapter One

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Pandora's Pov
I faintly let a smile ghost across my lips, leaning against the railing. My eyes held a small dreamy-like stare. And for years I never understood why I felt that way around him. I admired him so much.

I admired his courage. His loud bubby side. That was three years ago when I met Rock Lee. The first time I had ever been close to a boy. And he was my first crush. He still was.

I liked watching him practice. He was my best friend of course. But he could never know I felt a certain way around him.

I'm even sure Guy Sensei notices how happy I get around Lee, but we weren't ten anymore. We were now thirteen and each year kept passing.

My long hair was moving in front of my hair and I tugged it back watching Lee shouting out all the numbers of pushups he was doing, without a shirt on. I felt so pervy.

I felt my purple cheeks heat up greatly, watching him flick his eyes up to me, they held excitement.

"Pandora! My sweet flower! Come sit on my back and help me do 500 push-ups!" His teammates Tenten and Neji who were sparing with one another gazed up to where I stood on the high railing.

My entire face felt hot, and I felt my headband slip down and cover my eyes a bit. I shoved it back up in place stammering out.

"Uh! Are you sure Lee... I don't wanna crush your back." I called out seeing him smiling happily at me.

"Nonsense Pandora come on!" He was still urging me. Knowing I couldn't really tell him no.

I slowly jumped down off the railing and landed on the grass with a grunt making my way towards Lee ignoring the snickering from Tenten and Neji slowly climbing on Lee's back holding onto his shoulders.

"Don't strain yourself I have been eating a lot-" I didn't even finish because he was back to doing his pushups with ease. I squeaked gripping his bare shoulders.

"Oh hush Pandora you are  light as a feather maybe I should feed you more." He grunted out still going up and down with ease.

My hair was flying around, and I was still holding onto him, feeling each and every muscle of his flexing. This must be heaven I thought.

"That's it, Lee! the perfect way to train it always nice seeing you Pandora." I heard the loud exclaiming from Guy Sensei when he appeared out of nowhere.

"Thank you Guy Sensei!" I used my free hand to wave at Guy Sensei with a smile.

"No missions today Pandora?" Guy questioned at me tilting his head, his bowl-cut hair in his view.

"No sir we just got back from a two week one, Sein Sensei wanted us to rest before the Chuin Exams," I explained letting another deep squeak out, gripping Lee more while he kept grunting out.

"Ah yes! I heard you guys will be joining us Team Sein has amazing skills, its, You, Haru, and Naomi correct?" I nodded my head still amazed Guy Sensei remembered all that.

I grinned beaming. I was so ready for these exams. I've been training non stop. I remember back during my academy days no one thought I was fit enough to be a Ninja.

They thought I was lazy, ate too much and just thought I was strange cause of my hair and skin, but after me, and Lee became best friends.

My thoughts shifted from negative ones, to where I knew I could do anything I set my mind to. "All done my precious flower." Lee beamed at me.

I gently hopped off his back smiling, and handed him his suit the was laying on the soft ground "You did amazing like always Lee Lee." I mumbled my face still heated.

He was smiling at me all happy before his hand shot out to cup my chin making me look up.

"Pandora remember to look up when you smile, you look better facing up then down, my precious flower." My eyes were watching him even more.

My tummy was doing flips and twists. I was mush in his hands, Oh Lee. I wish you knew what your words do to me me.

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